Covid and signings !?! WOW

Now the $64 question. Did they pay you the $250?

I am finding that now the signing companies that I am working with are using a "Visitor Health Screening Questionnaire wherein they are asking for your name, borrowers name and address of signing - with three questions to answer -

  1. Have you returned from international travel in the last 14 days?
  2. Have you or household family members had close contact with or cared for someone with COVID 19 within the last 14 days?
    3.Have you experienced any cold or flu-like symptoms in the last 14 days(fever, cough, sore throat, respiratory illness, difficulty breathing)? and then they want you to sign your name
    You have to get this back to them after confirming and before going to the signing.
    I do sign the form but I tell them I want the borrower to have one for my benefit too. and I bring one to the signing. They have not told me no yet but this is prepared by their lawyers as a CYA measure so I won’t sue them for sending me into a hell hole.
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I will not participate in the signing if the people refuse to be masked and tell me they are unvaccinated. I am over 70 and it’s not worth it to me for $125 to expose myself to this virus. I am triple vaccinated but not willing to take a chance. I was about to walk out of a signing when the man said “I’m not wearing a mask in my own home, I’ve already had Covid”. His wife told him to put a damn mask on so we can get this done and he did. I think it’s a personal decision and other than those that think they can get Covid from the shots, I was wondering what’s the general feelings were.