Fidelity Approved?

What is Fidelity Approved and how do you get this approval??

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Hello, I became Fidelity Approved through a referral from a signing service agent. The SS asked if I was approved to do this particular signing. I said no, so they sent me the application to complete and send back. Some signings require this approval. I was approved within a few days and on the list. I keep the copy of the application on my Snap Docs account. Every year Fidelity Title will send me an email to see if my credentials are up to date to keep me on their list. You can contact them directly to see if you can get approved. I believe you need 2 or 3 years experience and gave a reference and have 100K EO insurance. Hope this helps. Good luck.


You may also find it helpful to do a Search (left click on the Magnifying Glass above on the tab ribbon) for the term “Fidelity Approved.” There are multiple threads already on the forum with very helpful info! :sparkles::angel:

Here is one recent example: Fidelity Approved proof


Become a notary in bancserv’s network.

Since Fidelity owns bancserv, I’m sure that’s the quickest way to be fidelity approved.


I actually called the Headquarter Office for Fidelity (May 2021) and was told that Bancserv now 100% handles all Fidelity Notary Approvals.


This definitely helps but, unfortunately, I am not there yet. I have 50K EO insurance and only a couple months under my belt. Thank you for this info.