Follow this suggestion if you want to reclaim some of what the algorithms take

To ALL Notary Cafe Members who receive blast requests from various types of platforms:

  • These configurations are designed via algorithms.

  • The algorithms DON’T take into account the topographic data (remote signing locations, etc.).

  • The algorithms calculate the travel distance to be as the proverbial crow files, NOT the actual miles you’ll need to drive. Normally, the physical address isn’t provided during the blast request.

  • Nor do the algorithms take into account the construction zones and other extended impediments to our progress enroute to and from a signing location.

  • It’s vitally IMPORTANT to your success for you to factor into account all of these items when determining the Schedule of Fees you’ll charge for the professional services you provide. See my Guideline in regard to creating your individualized Schedule of Fees here:


All these algorithmic foundational elements work against you.

Want to reclaim some of it?

Here’s one simple (but impactful) suggestion:

  • When you receive a blast request, jot down the number of miles the algorithm has identified for travel to the location.
  • When you receive the Signing Order [SO], calculate the actual miles to that signing location.
  • Compare that resulting number of miles to the number of miles the algorithm had identified for travel to that location.
  • If the actual mileage is 2X or 3X greater (or more) than the number of miles the algorithm identified in the blast request, calculate your actual Fee to provide professional services to that identified location for the actual mileage.
  • Draft and Send an email that Requests a Fee Revision for your professional services.


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Algorithms really are wildly inaccurate. I have been officially ‘suggesting’ to SD for a couple years now to please include the actual street address of signing location. All but once, their reply is: they’ll let the team know. The one exception was ‘this information would be a privacy issue’–which is ridiculous as everyone else provides actual address. Their persistence in being deliberately vague is apparently a major part of their MO.

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:100: percent accurate statement. :tada:

NOTE: The more variables in an equation, the less likely an accurate answer is obtainable. Thus, quite difficult to calculate an accurate Fee for professional services.

Being observant of the “proposed” mileage & a quick comparison + subsequent calculation of the accurate mileage enables nearer accuracy.

Plus, add to that the fact that the number of pages is almost NEVER included . . .

Maybe this suggestion will prove helpful.



I always state in a counter offer - regardless of miles, very rural over x hours of driving with limited cell service. Sometimes I get them sometimes I don’t. Mortgage Connect sends page number and then my counter offer says fee includes print of 150+ pages. Because $75 won’t ever include 170 pages I always bump the offer pages on knowing it’s over 150 pages.

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@fairenoughfinancial Thought you’d like to see this information as well. :tada:


I have a folder on my phone, Zip Codes. It lists all the zip codes = 15 miles one way, since I do not want to travel more than 30 miles round trip here in California. After all, I AM retired! When an order comes in, I look in the Zip Code folder if I’m not sure,and respond accordingly. Takes a minute, as I have them listed in numerical order.
My fee includes that 30 mile radius (which I’m just figuring out)!

Thanks for the suggestion re mileage.

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I was just thinking today, “they never put page counts out anymore” , so shady. Or the classic about 20 pages, and its 47x2


I’ve gotten to where I know which companies work with which lenders and always jack the fee knowing a huge package is coming through. The most ridiculous is Timios generally over 200 pages and they don’t accept counter offers. I don’t do Timios anymore unless it’s on snapdocs where they can accept a counter offer.

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@johnsonps306 :sparkles: Yes, mirrors my technique for several clients as well.


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@TIME2SIGNSTACYNOTARY Welcome to the Notary Cafe forum! :sparkles: Saw your thread on “Notifications” & thought you would find this one helpful.

NOTE: Start reading at the beginning of this thread please. :owl:


That only works on some zip codes but not all. The zipcode in which I live could be next door or 30 minutes away because it encompasses such a large geographical area.

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In places like Harris County Texas (Houston) it can take you over and hour to travel 30 miles. In my remote corner of Texas the three counties I used to work covers 2000 square miles and only 5 zip codes.

yes - suddenly they just stopped adding the estimated number of pages … :melting_face:

@chandie.kent Hmmm . . . that’s interesting! :thinking: I’ve noticed that as well. :white_check_mark:

Often, the scheduler thinks the request for an accurate page-count has to do with the amount of paper & toner that will be utilized; however, that certainly isn’t the objective.

It’s to determine the amount of time that will be needed to successfully complete the signing appointment as it will take much longer to complete a 175-page set of documents as compared to a 45-page set.


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@cbarnesl Welcome to the Notary Cafe forum! :sparkles: Thought you would find this thread helpful.

NOTE: Start reading at the beginning of this thread please. :owl:


@tash.shari4 Welcome to the Notary Cafe forum! :sparkles: Thought you would find this thread helpful.

NOTE: Start reading at the beginning of this thread please. :owl:


@manar_e Welcome to the Notary Cafe forum! :sparkles: Thought you would find this thread helpful.

NOTE: Start reading at the beginning of this thread please. :owl:
