GNW vs Property Inspections

That stands for General Notary Work

But my question is, how much did you earn for the day?

I purposely do not disclose the amount of money I make because it can vary greatly depending on the company that I work with and the amount of inspections I do… but I will say that the first 4 months I made more in inspections than I did in 12 months last year doing signings and I was very busy last year with signings

I have received a few PM messages about the following so here is my Disclosure Field Inspection AKA Property Inspection is in itself not hard. The hardest part is the driving and the time management aspect of it all. Since I started 16 months ago I have successfully completed over 3,500 inspections that range from Vehicle Inspections, Construction Draws, Asset Verification, Insurance Claims, and Occupancy verification.

I tend to work with companies that either pay well for the inspection itself or have bulk orders within zip code areas. That is the key…. I am able to schedule them in between my signings or if I have no signings I make it a full day of inspections. I set myself a daily income goal in order to keep me on track.

There are companies that will pay you $15 for an inspection and you get one every 3 to 4 weeks if you are lucky… those ones I either counter and factor in my minimum travel rate or I don’t work with them.

So I say that to say this…it’s a great way to supplement your Notary work however it takes a lot of juggling and time management to be successful in both


Yes I have a client that is a an out of state investor. I check properties that he is interested in buying. I take pics and video and he pays me well same day. I need more clients like him!


Love that…. Good for you for thinking outside the box

Same here. $15 a pop.

Thank you for posting this information. I saw your post a couple months ago when I was looking for side gigs and I’ve been doing work for one of the vehicle and other inspection companies. It has helped out quite a bit. Appreciate you sharing the wealth.

For me the only way that would make sense is if I received 5 orders all within the travel distance that would allow me to complete in an hour or less. I tend to stay away from those one offs or $15 orders. From start to finish it typically takes me 5 min or less to do an inspection. So I factor in my min travel rate and counter the offer based on that number. I have even picked up the phone and called them directly and let them know that I am willing to do it but they must be willing to pay my min hourly rate to and from my destination. Trust me when I tell you… if they want it done… they will pay and they have.

I am truly happy to hear that it helps that makes me feel good to know that. I wish you continued success

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Not i. Yuma, but I would love more information please.

Thank you


I did inspections for a company called Sutton Inspections Bureau. The money was very helpful. I decided to stop as I was working full-time and with the traffic here I live in St. Pete, Florida, it got too difficult and I was getting home too late. But if you’re doing GNW and just looking for a side hustle, they have a lot of work available. Little training. Very easy. If you want, you can reach out to Larry at Insursolv as well. They’re a client of Sutton Inspections Bureau. Good luck!


Thank you for sharing that resource. FL is a great place I heard for these types of inspections along with CA and Texas

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You’re most welcome!! Insursolv is out of Texas actually. Sutton is in Florida. They’re pretty supportive of their inspectors. Good luck!!

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I’m good with what I have right now I don’t need anymore companies to work with but I hope that others can benefit from the additional resources that you provided. I know other people are saying I’m crazy to give out the info I have but I find the more I give the more I get so I have no issues in sharing the information as there is more than enough to go around if you are willing to put in the work.

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If you are in FL I came across this company for those that are looking to supplement their Notary work with inspections.

Thank you very useful info… there’s another company called Lemon Squad it’s for car inspections anyone with a mechanic background. Unfortunately, I didn’t have one but good luck :four_leaf_clover:

In my area they have vehicle inspections that require photos only and no mechanical checks. I have completed in the past a few inspections for them and now my husband has taken over that part of my business.


Im interested in PI. How do I get the training for PI. I would like to add that to one of my services i offer.