I Need Advice

Please read the law and the GA handbook

Ok. Will do. Sorry, I was being lazy. LOL.

Today is my Admin day so I got a chance to read the law here and now I see what you’re saying. NSA can’t do those signings. It is a bright line.

Don’t get discouraged. You have to signup for more companies and market yourself. They have a list of agencies from your training or fb online groups… do a Google search…so many you have to signup for and do a few a day. Notary rotary (free version)surprisingly and notary Cafe gives me my best clients…I recently went back to an old list of companies I never signed up for and boom! 7 out of 10 of them sent me business right away so don’t stop signing up. You have to just keep at it.

Remember you are building a business it takes time and when I get discouraged go to YouTube for tips on what other are doing or I listen to business/money books on audibles for inspiration. The knowledge can shift your mind to understanding what steps you need to take to be successful.

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I am same as Arichter. I had to cancel my thumbtack. I did get work and one lady left me an amazing review! It was for a will. Thumbtack charged me for two lead fees on that same person. One was her name and another one was her name with a middle initial lol. It was a double charge and they do not refund. They might have applied a credit to my thumbtack account. I did get business and calls but it was for a single page document and with mobile travel fee, plus the thumbtack lead fee, I couldn’t afford to keep my account active. Moreover it started to actually cost me. I was getting questions and booking requests on days I had fully blocked as unavailable. Also from zip codes outside of my marked restrictions. And within my restrictions, I was charged lead fees even if they did not book me. I loved the ease of the platform, however it was too expensive for me to keep active. I’d love to hear from other notaries who successfully utilize this opportunity. For my general notary work, google searches for my website have been the most successful for finding me.

Sorry I rarely go to this site. I’m not sure what you’re asking about.

Does the state require the attorney to be present or can he or she be involved with the transaction? I had an out of state purchase, investment property in an attorney state. The person making the purchase is not in an attorney state. The property is. An attorney sent me the order and directed the closing instructions, I showed up and did the actual signing without the attorney. Although he was not present he was the facilitator of the transaction.

Could it be if title is working with an attorney or has attorney involved as the closing agent, an NSA can still do the signing without the attorney present?

There is work for loan signing agents in GA. If the property is located in another state a LSA can perform the signing without an attorney. It is only if the property is a GA property that an attorney MUST be used. How this helps.

I have a client who owns a lot of properties in GA as the result of a Will. Whenever she sells one of her properties her GA attorneys prepare all of the paperwork and they send it to me here in my “non-attorney” state to notarize with the client as the seller. Once it gets back to them in GA for the actual closing with the purchaser, it’s my understanding that the GA attorney does it in their offices.

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