Before sinking any additional hard-earned funds into this type of business within a declining business sector, you truly owe it to yourself to perform some NEEDED due diligence . . .
I concur with the insights of @Arichter & @LindaH-FL in that regard as well. It’s advisable to be a REALIST and take off any tinged-colored glasses before proceeding further.
You could simply review the thread titles within the Notary Cafe Forum Database and receive an unadulterated response to your query.
In addition, you’ll best be served by performing a Search of the GOLDMINE found within the Notary Cafe Forum Database that is available for easy access for NO FEE by locating the ever-elusive, nearly invisible Magnifying Glass (see image below).
Also, there are 2 recent posts by CherylM that leave the sugar-coating behind & Tells-It-Like-It-Is . . .
This thread is also truly an eye-opener:
Truly, anyone entering this business sector needs to change their mindset from that of an employee to that of a Business Owner. It’s a completely different paradigm and is managed differently as well.
As a business owner, from the onset, you’re going to be pretty much flying solo; that is, unless you have a family member that is within this business sector. There are no Manuals of Desk Instructions [MDIs] as one may find as an employee nor any more experienced fellow employees there to train you.
The standards of practice are to be found by being curious and seeking training & certifications on your own as a professional business owner who strives to provide professional services to your clients.
Best Wishes with your decision.
P.S. I go into more detail about selecting a professional, reliable, honest, & reasonable Training Program within the following thread:
NOTE: There are NO misleading “You can make a 6-figure income as an NSA” ads, promises, or inferences within that thread.
Looking for insights or a template of how to calculate the costs of providing these services? Here is a thread that should provide you with assistance:
Remember that launching a business as a Signing Agent isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon!