Make Sure to Get Receipt for your Fedex and UPS

I was contacted directly by a person to do a 4 page doc with one notarization yesterday locally. I was glad to do it- the fee was fair. They said they go through Notary Dash and I said I will not work with payment through Notary Dash because of personal experience trying to get paid and reviews by other notaries. They needed it done and agreed to pay me directly. When docs were complete, I was sent an eta for them to be dropped where I had already said that I would drop once they were scanned. I said it will be before 3:30 at a Fedex hub. Usually I send through a mailbox store, but I was in a different town in the afternoon where there is a hub. I was sent a message by them after I had confirmed mailing and sent a photo of the receipt that was curious-probably talk to text making grammar mistakes “Thank you and they for sure made pick out time I have a lot of notaries who are like oh it’s fine. They’ll get picked up but sometimes they get picked up before so then pay has to decrease because they don’t drop in time so as long as they made pick up time, we should be good”. I wrote them back reassuring them that they were dropped. No answer back. Today I started questioning that they were trying to find a reason not to pay the full amount by saying I had not dropped before pick up. I wrote and they sent a message back that they “have to call Fedex this morning cause they’re claiming we’re not gonna get the package until Monday so I need to figure out what happened because we should’ve gotten it today”. I wrote them back letting them know that is not the notary’s fault if the documents don’t arrive on time once they have dropped them. It’s whatever the person paying for shipment chooses. They did pay me right away after I said that the payment is due within a week as agreed. That’s the good thing but I’m wondering why there was a subtle threat after I had sent proof that I had sent it on time. I checked the fedex label and it says it was for morning 2 day. It was dropped at Fedex Thursday afternoon which gets picked up and then is on it’s way the next day “Friday, arriving on Monday (2 business days).” They could have easily checked the label to see what kind of time table it was being sent by–I have a sneaking suspicion that they hoped time would go by and I wouldn’t be able to prove when the documents went out by misplacing the receipt–this would have been especially hard if I had agreed to go through Notary Dash with time passing. This is why we get a receipt. I’m not mentioning the person who I dealt with because they did pay me but we shouldn’t have to go through this in order to receive payment.


@experiencedmobilenotary Absolutely :100: percent correct! :tada:

Thank You :dizzy: for sharing your direct experience & demonstrating due diligence in regard to the turnaround time as identified on the return shipping label.

This is an action to take that I strongly recommend on a regular basis on the Notary Cafe forum. It enables you to speak from a position of strength with regard to:

  • The physical handoff
  • The location of the handoff
  • The time of handoff
  • The shipment interval
  • Etc.

Always a good plan to bring “receipts” for the professional services you’ve provided.


NOTE: There are some townships, country locales, etc. that are quite distant from a FedEx/UPS, etc. location.

Of course, in those instances it’s simply not feasible to obtain a receipt.



You are so correct about getting receipt from FedEx or UPS. It’s your proof of dropping the documents and lifting the burden off yourself any potential E&O claims.

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@experiencedmobilenotary Here is the thread I referenced above:


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In my town the only shipper who gives a receipt is the Safeway. I prefer the shipping store but FedEx last drop is now 1230 at the latest because it goes with ground. FedEx cut Express service.

Lately appointments have taken me near the airport FedEx which has a later last drop and if I am already there for someone else I will drop there.

Eastern WA next day air is not ever guaranteed. That’s just the way it is, I always put it in writing for companies unfamiliar with this area.

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Absolutely! With my receipt, it can’t be argued. It’s too bad that the owner of this signing agency hoped that I wouldn’t look at the return label to see that it said 2 day rather than overnight as they were implying and on top of that lied to me saying that they had to call Fedex this morning because “they’re” (I guess the final recipient) claiming they wouldn’t get the package until Monday (which is exactly the day that they purchased the Fedex label for). I will always take the time to get the receipt due to bad actors like this signing agency owner.

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I replied below and I thought it would alert you directly. Thank you for your input!

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Absolutely! Thank you for your input!

That’s an early time, but it is what it is and out of your control. Thank you for your input!

Even at the airport last drop is 3:45.

That’s a bummer. Locally, my last drop off is 430.

I had a hurry up and rush one day that was for 3:30and required same day ship via UPS . Last ship is 4:30 if you are lucky and I told title a d she got just belligerent it says 5:30 on their website.

I said it’s posted right on the wall last drop is 4:30. She actually called to verify I was telling the truth then she wanted the funds disbursement re-done after I dropped it and there was no time to re-do any form to ship that day.

So I called the signer to apologize and he says don’t worry about it they can overnight me a check it’s okay. And he said he told title it wasn’t my fault it was his fault.

He was super nice. The title person? Not so much.

That’s too bad. If she wanted to verify, I would be fine with that. Glad the customer was nice to you.

When the signing company sent you the email, they didn’t realize they sent you a 2 day label (hope they apologized for they mistake). Also in the future only drop at actual UPS and Fedex facilities, not independents mailbox store or in outside drop box (will get stolen before pickup). Would be funny if they tried to blame you for not telling them you got a 2nd day label and not an overnight one. Sound like an incompetent signing company, and not well managed. Good work.