Nada Dhahbi Law firm doesn't pay

I have been a signing agent for over 21 years and have weeded out most of the companies that don’t pay. It seems that they are mostly Law firms or structured settlement companies.
Well here’s another one to watch out for: Nada Dhahbi Law

They contacted me to get signed a form for ‘found estate money’, they claimed they pay by Zelle every friday.
My first clue they were crooked was when I received the confirmation, there was no return address, no company name and no phone number.
Once the document was signed and emailed back to them - Silence…
no return phone call, no return email and no pay. This seems to be typical of these type of companies. I would imagine that the money they found probably never made it back to the rightful owner either.

Be aware of the structured settlement companies and random Law Firms looking for usual documents to be signed. You will be working for free.

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@rbierbower Sorry to read about your direct experience with this business entity.

Your post is helpful to the Notary Cafe members. :pray:


You’re wise to note the “missing” contact/location/phone data.

Definitively, a Red Flag.

Reminds one of the Cloud Signing efforts . . .
They’ve scraped as much of their data as possible from their website and the internet with the exception of their California phone number (Area Code 714).

We’re all cognizant that a business can be registered in one state and operate in a completely different one.

Or, that a business can easily relocate to another state when they’ve “burned” their reputation in a particular location.

Thank you for sharing.


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Probably not even a law firm…BUT, if you can Google-find them, file a complaint with their local Bar Assoc.

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Nada Dhahbi # 327080 - Attorney Licensee Search (

I am not surprised you didn’t get paid. Nada Dhabbi is the registered agent of Gibbs and Mason. Do a google search for them. I have to be careful how I word this so I don’t get threatened (threatening to sue me) but there is a long history or similar “companies” who take advantage of people, especially people going through foreclosure. Stealing their money. Notary Cafe had a long thread detailing all the crimes and different company names but I was threatened and so was notary cafe and so they deleted everything. My quotes along with others can be found in court cases when people who didn’t get the money they were promised, sue them. All this info came to light because they almost NEVER pay their notaries. I hope the client you notarized for gets whatever money was promised to them by Nada Dhabbi.

Also file a complaint with the California Bar. She is definitely a lawyer and they don’t like to be investigated. Well I would write to them and let them know if you aren’t paid in 2 days you will be filing a complaint with the california bar. I might also advise the people you notarized to do the same thing.

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Who do we file a complaint with when signing services don’t pay?

@crhodesnotary That is good information to know. :heart_eyes: Thank You for sharing that they are a Registered Agent for that other firm. :tada:


I distinctly & indubitably remember the entire scenario you are referencing. Several members were seeking payment for professional services successfully completed.

Here is my post from earlier this year:


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Thank you for posting this

I will NEVER take a signing from Cloud Signing !!!
They put out there $30 for up to 10 pages, I offered $50 ( it was only 30 mins from me) and it was accepted. Well come to find out it was 54 pages and they wanted me to print out 2 copies and have them both signed and scanned back??? WHAT!!! I tried calling them right away and got no answer, I emailed them and said that my fee would be $125 for this! And that you will only get 1 signed copy scanned back! I will NEVER DO BUSINESS with the again! BE AWARE!!!

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This is the email used to communicate with them, they paid me through Pay Pal, I did an assignment for them in July 2024 I had a repeat customer request me so they sent me all of the documents. but I didn’t ship or scan anything until they paid me

I will no longercdo those. First, they kabled me as a paralegal- nope. Secon, i looked at the numbers. Predatory. 3rd, several signers found out their credit would suffer (in tge dusclosures) and decided not to sign. The company sales petson yelled at me. Im a notary, not their company paralegal salesman .

Cloud Signings owes me $95 on 2 signings - one of which is 70+ days old. Do they ever pay, or do I need to write them off? - I constantly get low-ball offers, it ain’t happenin’!!