Notary Reviews is a FB group where members Review & Rate hiring companies in a comfortable and private setting. The group is not open to the public, as it is a secret group. Information shared w/in this group stays in-house, as well as any files and reports posted, and the general public is not privy to this information. Our Notary Reviews Client List (NRCL) is a monthly report of all companies reviewed and rated, with up to date contact information. The NRCL is considered one of the most reliable hiring lists out there to date.
If anyone is interested in joining this FB group Notary Reviews, please send me a FB friend request, where I can explain a bit more about the Rules of the group.
Hi lvirgile, are you a member now? I don’t know you’re name but you can always send me an email to, if you’re not, or if anyone else would like to join. I think its worth it for direct marketing purposes.
I changed my url profile to ChicagoNotaryServices, however, if you’re on FB, just do a search of “groups” and look for Notary Reviews.
Also, if anyone is interested, I will be on a live webinar, Tuesday January 22 via Zoom (its free to install and use) and will talk about Notary Reviews and what its all about.
That’s awesome! Please visit for more information.
Now is a great time to join as we have (3) budget friendly membership plans to choose from.
Our Notary Reviews Client List has approximately 550 marketable signing companies who hire NSAs. Members have exclusive access to the list and provide Reviews & Ratings based on their own closing experiences.
Thank you Notary Cafe for keeping this post up over a year now…you guys rock!!! #notaryrespect#notarycaferocks