Prestige Notary: Stay Away

I did a signing for Prestige Notary via Notary Dash on 13 Feb 24 and have not been paid. I’ve sent three invoices which have been completely ignored. No response whatsoever. I’m trying to contact Notary Dash as my fnext step to getting paid. Next will be BBB and the title company.

It’s so said because the lady I was dealing with was so nice. When I looked at my reviews on Notary Dash, she gave me all ones! I’m so insulted! Every review I’ve earned has been all fives across the board. I assume this is her way of justifying not paying me!

I have news for her, I’m not going to take this laying down for sure! I’m going to get my $60. I did the job and they got paid. I want my money. Stay away from Prestigue, they don’t pay and try to ruin your reputation to avoid paying!


You can search on this website and find others experiences with Prestige aka Notary Dash and they have other aka’s and payment is largest issue. What type of signing did you do for $60?? I get paid more than that for GNW (General Notary Work). To me schedulers that offer low ball fees is a red flag regarding payment ~ not always true but majority of time. Good luck on being paid. FYI new clients I have not done business with prior research on line prior to going out the door. You can always step away from an assignment if common sense suggests issues. Live and learn.

They usually take about 3 months to pay.


All of the LSS pay lowball prices. I’ve been working on getting my numbers and experience up so I can get with better paying agencies and direct signings. It was a small package, but the price really isn’t the point. It’s the fact that they are ignoring my attempts to get paid! The assignment wasn’t at question. But, I gurantee you that I will never take another assinment from them. I’ve had plenty of assignments through Notary Dash and have gotten paid. If Prestige is Notary Dash that’s even worse. I have a number and am about to call them.

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Kelly fighting to get paid is terrible. My notes for Notary Dash & Prestige shows NET 37 days but you know that is not true. When I have to invoice for payment, at bottom of my invoice is my statement: “If payment is not received within 30 days of assignment/closing transaction, state rate interest charges shall be applied to final payment”. I email original offer email to necessary accounting person and attach invoice. I “usually” get paid within a day or two. This is my method of you have ticked me off and I want my money.


YES! Smart to put the payment options and expectations directly on the invoice! I now include convenient instant click to pay or scan Venmo QR code.

See: Venmo for Business | Venmo


Kelly, have you sent your invoice to this email address

They are slow payers for sure, they will pay though.

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She is looking for support, not comparisons about how much you make. If ppl would just provide the answers others are asking and dispense with the judgments, this site would be a great place. You don’t know all the details of the signing.

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Hi Carmen ~ good ideas ~ keep sharing.

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Ronald my intent was not past judgement on some one’s experiences ~ I’m not that type of person ~ sorry if I offended. No I don’t know all the details of the signing ~ need more info to try to assist with information. One of the top items to share experiences is knowing the state of transaction. What state are you in Ronald?? I’m in WA State. Newbies need help but so do seasoned Notaries. Hope you have a good day!

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Virginia…thanks for the reply

All you had to do is read their Yelp reviews: Alot of 1 stars, they don’t pay.

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Ronald my son and his wife own a home in Staunton VA her large family of relatives. Property owned by other family members outside of Staunton. Staunton still has that small town vibe. My son met his wife at the Shakespeare Theatre in Staunton where he performed. He now performs in NY which is too expensive so they primarily live in NJ. My Granddaughter is also an actor and 7 years ago was well known as “Mariners Blue Cotton Candy Girl” and she is still found on Google with search ~ over 10 million hits. I have this tendency to chat with people when I know they are from VA. Have a good evening!

I was in Staunton a few months ago. It does have that small town feel. I liked what I saw. It’s close to the Shenandoah mountains. I really like that area. I live in the flat part of the state near Richmond. Thanks sharing.

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Id report them to the attorney General of her state. I went through this a few years ago and got blacklisted from Notary Dash for asking for my pay.

She also owns Notary Dash.

I’m in Northern Virginia and I’m curious to hear whether you assist customers with apostille work since you’re in Richmond. I would like to but I’m too far away.

Yes I offer apostille. I made one in person in Richmond but it takes up to 2 weeks to get a slot. They won’t allow you to just walk in. Now, I use FedEx and I can get it to Richmond and back to the customer in less than a week. I use the cheapest FedEx express ($11.10) service and it will still get the next morning. You should offer this service.

Thanks for the information. $11 is very good. Did you take any training or did you figure it out on your own?

On my own…once I research and understood what it is…the rest was pretty easy.