Refinance packages with many duplicates

I had one that was 440+ pages that DIDN’T happen. The signer’s phone number was someone else’s phone number who claimed her information had been used before to obtain a loan in her name that wasn’t hers. The day of the signing they still couldn’t reach the signer and the follwoing day I couldn’t do it. I just billed the signign agency because my toner is $84 and those 400 pages could have been used for another signing.

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I’m in AZ and I’ve seen similar situations with some VA refis. Usually, it’s everything in triplicate but the interesting part is that for each duplicated set the name on the signature line is a variation of the birthname (i.e. Robert Jones, Rob Jones, Bob Jones). I’ve yet to have explained to me the purpose behind it but I’m sure there’s one.

I did a A6 Cash Out (here in Texas) a few weeks ago and the package was 180+ pages. The instructions stated print two (one for signatures - one to give to signers) - UGH - that is a A LOT of paper. I need to start charging extra for the extra printout!

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Yes, 3 copies of the Loan App, 6 ID verification forms, and several other duplicates. Luckily, the signers were okay signing and signing and signing. Ugh.

I’ve had that happen. I charge extra for anything over 200pgs. If it was their mistake, oh well, they’ll learn for next time. I had it happen a few times in the last month or so and I honestly believe it was a mistake.

i did get alot of 4506 c and called the signing company and they said that was a mistake. if you get a large package call the title company


That’s a typical Texas closing.

Good advice. Always call title first. I had one that was 180 pages and 49 pages of that were appraisal docs that they accidentally included. I had to print twice. I called and she was very apologetic and gave me $90 additional fee.

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I’ve had a few loan packages with several duplicates. After a few of those I started calling the title company’s and asking if I need to have the signers sign those duplicates. They told me to only have them sign 1 set.

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I have had all the emails printed out from everyone put in the loan pkg I have had marriage stuff and they are not married and full books added to the loan pkg with colored survey pictures and full appraisal reports
I say Amen to you sir - because they do not have to beat their printers up and send full documents asked of them they just add it to the loan documents and it gets back to the lender that way - Cheap at twice the price. So much hanky panky going on - and as Notaries we need to employ Attorneys to fight for our interests. I am amazed sometimes, what will they think of next?

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Lets not argue with each other, we all work for some of the same Schmucks. Actually, they should work with us because we are their bread and butter but they forget and treat us like we are unnecessary which I know is untrue. The only defense we have is not accepting their stupid offers

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I agree with you completely. Let be honest, I’m not certain how hiring an attorney will solve these challenges would work. Who are we going to file suit against? It may cost ten of thousands for a retainer.

I agree with the "hanky Panky’ nonsense going on. I’ve recently come to the conclusion that over work and laziness come to play when we see duplicates in the package. It’s a matter of how fast can the Lenders and TCs get the package out the door and in to our hands.

Not accepting offers to close means we’re turning down work. With a saturated NSA market in many regions, if we don’t take a low value closing, the signing will be assigned to someone else who’s willing to loose income on the closing. I’ve had to adjust my business model to accommodate for rising costs and still remain profitable on each closing.


That’s a horrible situation bad agencies dump on their notaries. I will complete the signing and then never accept any further from that agency.

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For future reference, do not print documents until you have called and confirmed the appointment with the signer. Some companies will not pay for your services when the appointment didn’t occur.

I called and was told that they would not be on boarding new agents until March 2022.

This should give everyone a good idea of the saturation of the market



I just closed a package that had 190 pages, that contained about 50 pages of fluff, documents not requiring signatures such as advertisements, informational documents, generally unrelated to the loan, a lender statement about how Environmentally good stewards they are, etc… I find these Environmental statements self-defeating when the package contents includes 25% of the page count requires no signatures.

Here’s an idea; Print the borrower/seller copies in there entirety. Print only the documents bearing signatures to be signed. Return in the signed documents to the SS or Title.

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When I prep my packages, I pull out “closer documents”, “Privacy literature” and the like and place colored sheet protectors pre-labeled accordingly, in their place. I do the job and the stick the pulled documents back in after scanning. Only takes a few seconds. I do give the signers their full package, though.


I love Rocket Mortgage packages, too. So much easier to handle with fewer notarizations. Someone said that they use Amrock exclusively, but I just got one this week from one of my escrow direct clients.

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My favorite as well! I love how they have everything pre-dated…saves sooo much time.