Refinance packages with many duplicates

I surely don’t know, but I would presume that if a lender sends out a Reverse Mortgage, the notary would know it. From what I’ve seen, the packages are distinctly different. How could a lender send out a package saying it is a refi when it’s actually a reverse mortgage, or vice versa? Is this something we should all watch out for or is it as obvious as I think it is?
Just askin’.

I have had one package like that this month, and I thought it strange.

It was never told to me that it was a reverse mortgage and there were no reverse mortgage documents in it. The only thing similar to a reverse mortgage was the abundance of documents. It was just a refinance with a ton of duplicates.

You need to read her responses again. I know the difference between a reverse mortgage and a refinance. Just because she has not seen one with that many pages does not mean that it did not happen to me. My whole question on this topic was has anyone else been having this issue, her response had nothing to do with that. Everyone else has been just fine, how was her response helpful to me? I felt like I was being put on the defensive and this is the last word I’m going to say about it. So anyone else having a comment about it then just keep it to themselves because all this topic was was a question about having a large amount of pages and asking others if they were going through this as well.

I get it.They are not answering your question. They are still just trying to be helpful.

Well we’re just going to have to agree to disagree. If I’m having to defend myself, that’s not very helpful to me. And, that’s not how I would go about helping someone else.

I had a signing agency who posted the job assignment as a refi and when I called them they tried to offer me $ 25 more, I declined :confused:

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Me too, my favored closings are with Rocket Mortgage- hands down

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It’s a cinch that after this thread, you are sure to have fewer people ‘bothering’ you.

Well if this is how they’re going to speak to me, I don’t think I’ll mind. I’ve had over 40 responses. Go disrespect someone else.

So what are you using for all your technology? Alabama is hybrid

How much can you charge for a RON at NOTARIZATION

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I had the same thing yesterday and the day before with Amrock. Never seen this before. I wonder why???

In my opinion i would have it all signed and give it back just in case. I don’t like to go back out to previous appointments if i don’t have to.

I don’t do reverse mortgage signings and I have come across a package or two that is over 200 pages. Usually it is because there are more than two signers and the lender requires each borrower to have their own signature page on most docs.

I’ve had dups before and they have me get only one app signed and the rest to the shredder. : )

Yes, I have experienced the same issue for the last couple of months. Six originals of the loan applications, closing disclosures and credit score disclosures and other single page documents,
One package was 315 pages plus a copy for the signer. Those I have received have been from a couple of different lenders/title.

Wow! I hope you made them pay for it as I did. I think it’s the only way to get them to stop.

200+ pages is not uncommon on Texas Refis.

There’s a lack of motivation to remove duplicate pages when we’re the one’s carrying the printing cost.