Signing companies taking advantage of Notaries

I have been using Notary gadget for the four years I’ve been doing loan signings. They calculate the mileage and everything else I need for my taxes. A very good service and not too expensive. Well worth it.

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I respect your opinion. Everyone has the right or option to pick and choose. The reality of the matter, a company can not take advantage of any Notaries. without the Notaries approval. There’s this old adage, “people don’t plan to fail, they just fail to plan”, that adage is applicable to this situation. Here’s the raw truth, companies are not “holding a gun” to any independent contractor’s head, thereby forcing them to accept these “low ball fees”. We operate in a free business marketplace, meaning we all have freedom of “choice”. Let’s talk basic 101 economics supply and demand, over abundance of loan signing agents, along with a drop in mortgage lending, creates a reduction in loan volume is a perfect storm for reduction in signing fees. Now, I didn’t say these companies are charging their borrowers lower fees for the loans, most lenders are charging the same fees as before, if not raising their rates. Let’s understand these companies have no legal obligation to pay us higher fees, if they can get the same work done at a lower fee. Just like each of us have the freedom to choose our assignments. It’s okay if we agree to not to agree, but no worries thanks for the feedback.


@Myshadowmax Great! :sparkles:

I rely on Notary Assist. It’s the Best! :heart_eyes: I have been using Notary Assist software for many years. It’s simply AWESOME!

The Notary Assist software is:

  • User friendly
  • Easy to sort the data with column sort priorities
  • Perfect for maintaining the schedule of engagements
  • Simple to monitor accounts payable
  • Easy to create new Clients and support team members in my database
  • Creates invoices
  • One-step backup process
  • Data entry in overview mode or within each engagement popup screen
  • Great to ease of accessing data at Tax Time
  • Excellent report creation tools
  • Easy to alter previously created engagement data
  • Outstanding mileage monitoring reports
  • Software is designed to report income correctly [exclusion of notarial fees from income reports]


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When I see The lowball fees of 30 and $40, I laugh. I live in a rural area and eventually they get back to me willing to pay what I’m asking because they just can’t find anyone. Unfortunately, in areas that are not rural, they get away with this. I do not accept assignments in those areas. I refuse to lose money completing an assignment. There was a fellow in my area who was taking lowball signings for a couple of weeks but has since disappeared. It’s a lot of driving for a low fee. Quite a few of my signings occur when the company contacts me directly instead of posting. Nothing like Having a good reputation for successful signings.


Has everyone understand this not a 9 to 5

Depends on who you work for. But you are in control of what you take.

Exactly, companies will pay what the market dictate.

Notary Gadget does basically the same thing.

@jacksteinfeld Hmmmm . . .I can only review the one I have direct experience with, which is Notary Assist.

In addition, the pricing of Notary Assist is much more reasonable.

Each business owner must make the choice that provides the best fit for their professional services.

Notary Gadget $11.95/MO (billed monthly)


Notary Assist $8.99/MO (billed monthly)

FYI: I receive no compensation or remuneration of any type or kind as a result of my first-hand experiential review above.


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Exactly!! I did the same. Not worth it!!!

300 pages w scan backs for $125 is ridiculous
Figure to be paid$50/ hour.
Time includes .printing prepping travel to …sign time…travel home to scan. Scan then travel to drop docs and back
This includes gas car expense…paper toner…insurance…supplies ie sign here stickers
And clothing plus profit.
All these companies offer low fees its collusion
Just negotiate ur fee.
You cant work for nothing


I too live in a rural area where the average drive isn’t 10 miles it’s 50+ and sometimes 75-90or more miles. Those orders sit there and sit there and are even resent because no-one takes them. I enjoy the long drives don’t get me wrong , but I also enjoy having a roof over my head and feeding my family . I think they don’t take " rural" into consideration sometimes . In my area we are so rural there are no Fedex or ups independent stores either. So my choices for drop off are not the same as larger metropolitan areas with stores staying open late , or having the option for a genuine branded store. So I think when they send these blasts it’s not something they are even aware of because their office is in Boston. I’m happy and willing to work but I can’t at a loss, and I’m sure you understand as another out in the boonies .


I have the same problem here although fortunately, I only have to drive 25 to 30 miles to get to my signings. The signings that are further I rarely take because they just don’t want to pay. The hard things are the scan backs because it is a double trip for me, first to the Signing, then home and then to the overnight place, which is two towns away. Lately, they are paying what I ask because they just can’t get anyone. You think by now they would have figured it out, but I guess that’s too much to ask. I just figure out how much I want for each Signing and that’s what I bid. I have been doing this for four years, so several Signing services or title companies call me directly and usually agree to my fee. Here’s hoping things get better when the interest rates go down.

I have one title company call me directly thankfully , I have a portable scanner it’s not the best but it helps, . yes lets hope those rates plummet. but we are in this together .

300 pages sounds like a reverse mortgage. Often tougher due to ages of signers. Ive alwsys been instructruted to pront one copy forbthe signers. Thats over 600 pages of printing and 2 hours in front of signers. I tell them that up front as i had one who just had 20 minutes for me. Bad loan officers.
I keep getting super lowballs for these. I counter, but nope. Realize there is always a cheaper w… out there. Unfortunate for the signers as then theyvdontbundrtstand and sometimes need a whole second signing. I had one where i was the 4th notary!!

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These days, when I get a call for an assignment, I ask the fee if I like the fee I move on, then I ask how many pages, if I like that then I move on, then I ask what is their turn around time to pay me. If I like it I move on. These days if they can not answer those 3 questions to my liking I tell them no. I one company tell me they will pay in 60 days. I said flatly that was unacceptable. They seemed shocked. They are running a business and so am I. If we all did that things would change I am sure.


I didn’t really notice the fees dropping until 2009/2010 after the housing bubble burst. But I do miss the days of a low fee being $125 without scans.

Rather than say no, I offer to do the job at a fee acceptable to me. Then it is up to them to accept my offer or not. I get a lot of jobs doing that.

You’re right, they did get a good deal, but you did not! The problem with NSA’s not saying “No” is that these companies refuse to up their rates. Then we get no work or low pay. All NSA’s must say “NO”, and then things will change.


Do you mean Daytona?