Signings just dropped

Lol… I was confused, too. Like… Mid 5 figures so… 15k a month?! When LSS students throw crazy numbers out on YouTube, it doesn’t frustrate me anymore. I recognize that they have some special connection or special break or special location or something, because that’s just not normal. One guy he posted made 80k his first year.

Not my experience at all. How would you even have the connections/proven experience to consistently make 6k a month your first year? It took a lot of hard work for me to even get to 4k a month. My first month in June I made 400 bucks, then 1800, then 3000, then 3900, then 4500, then 6500, then back to 4000. And there was a LOT of luck involved. I’ve taken the basic LSS course, actually, and I didn’t find any magical technique that would get me to 100k. So, I’ll just stay in my lane and keep working hard.


I’ve made $500+ in a day, a few different times. I agree that more than that can often start to take its toll on personal health.


Typically January is slow. The loan officers pushed everything they had out the door in December so they’d be paid for 2021. Now they have to build up their pipeline for the new year.


I am experiencing the exact same thing. I am only getting ASAP for the same day or late evening same-day requests.


I’ve been able to supplement the no signing days by doing vehicle inspections. I did 11 cars in one day for an auto dealership that took me on average 15- 20min per car to snap photos and paid me $25 per car.


That’s true and the MLO has to provide has a net tangible benefit for the potential borrower to refinance! Think about all the other products that would need a notary like a reverse mortgage!

When your ready…Sign me up! :clap:

I’m one of them and we are doing very well. Thank you for asking. Mark does not promise anything. If you do your work and mind your own business you will see how very easy it is that 6 figures in this business.
Little calculation if you will: 3 signings @$150 a day=$450x20 days a month=$9000x12months =$108,000. Anyone can make that easily in this business.
As for expensive equipment, We all have to buy Printers scanner and computer regardless of where you got your training from.
Not sure why people in this business try to bring others doesn’t especially Mark Wills. We are all independent business owners we don’t need to dragging other people.


Glad you chimed in. If you try to inspire others on here by mentioning that you make 6 figures, you will be accused of bragging, lying, and cheating by having others do your work like signing or run to FedEx or UPS for you. They don’t think one single person can do it on their own. I’m not trained by anybody but I’ve been trying to tell others on here that making 6 figures is very achievable. This is the best job in the world but it is all up to each person to make this business a success.


You are so right. Its the best business that I know where you have control and can have time for your personal life and still make a great income. But berating others is not necessary.
I’m a little nervous about what I made last year as I didn’t keep up with entering all my assignments on Notary Garget and didn’t enter any for of my SS that gives me a lot of work and keeps good records. My nervousness is hopping I didn’t go over my tax bracket by making too much money. Now is that not a great thing to be nervous about. :grimacing:


IRS is not my friend.

I know but if you want to be an enrolled tax professional then you have to work with them….

Cold, Frosty, Snowy, Slushy, Dark and Gloomy days, let the Daily Pros, Relentless and dedicated, plus the LSS Graduates Who bring Dougnuts to Title Companies because Mark Wills told them that thing always work, ( it Does not, they are thrown into the trash bin) See you guys soon, Cancun, Here we Come !!!
( I saved Money from the old back days for this!)


Good for you @mannie1950…enjoy!

Congrats! Enjoy Cancun! Have fun and be safe.

If you get a chance go to Playa Del Carmen its about 40 minutes south of Cancun. It’s an amazing town. Enjoy some time off!

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I’m busy until the week before Christmas. Things don’t pickup until the second week in January.

Last place I stayed was Riu Yucatan Hotel Resort in Playa Del Carmen. It was all inclusive.


I have not been getting any signings at all. May be its my location, not sure and I hope it changes soon.


I mean… good for you, but I wouldn’t call it “easy.” Getting 3 jobs every single day for the entire year at $150 is nowhere near “easy” and to say otherwise is just absurd. Signing services are literally offering 85 dollars for refis with scan backs. You can have a busy month/week and then not hear from certain companies at all the next month, same with direct business.

Anyone can make that easily in this business.

I’m sorry, what? Just… what? That’s like LeBron James saying basketball is easy, or Leonardo Di Caprio saying being a movie star is easy, or Kendall Jenner saying being a super model is easy. Yes, it’s easy for you, but that doesn’t mean it’s actually easy. If that was the case, everyone would be doing it and this forum would be full of posts talking about us buying our second and third homes.

I think you’re confusing the word “possible” with “easy.” Kendall Jenner made over 20 million dollars last year at 26ish years old by walking down runways and having her picture taken. So, it’s possible to make 20million as a super model. Is it easy? Absolutely not. Will 99% of people who want to be a super model get to her level? No!

I’m not hating on you at all, but your post is just… tone deaf and annoying. Noone is bringing you down or dragging you. It’s just silly to think your experience is everyone’s experience. You’re like Marie Antoinette saying “Let them eat cake” and look what happened to her…