Signings just dropped

There is am Agrican proverb that says " If someone tells you that fire is burning on water, ask them to show you the Ashes. Don’t dispute that it’s not possible. In your response, its obvious that you only belive that this business can only be done one way and one way alone. Why don’t you do some more research and ask for directions. I don’t have to provide proof that I’m making what I’m making. In every business there are does who are a step above others… Good luck


I love Playa Del Carmen, I am trying my best to retire early & move out there ASAP! :slight_smile:

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Nice plan!!!

Hi @vipnotaryllc. How are you? Can you tell me where you get consistent signings from? I’m signed up with Signature Closers as well as some companies from Snapdocs, but I rarely get anything from Snapdocs. Most of mine come from Signature Closers and it’s like they have their preferred notaries because I will click on the signings to accept and then it says “Wait, you’re not assigned yet” and then it’s gone. Any suggestions on how to get consistent closings?

Kindest Regards,


Hi Kathy, the signing services aren’t very helpful and they take advantage, I would suggest going direct if you really want to succeed.


Thank you @borunda06jason. I truly appreciate the response. Any suggestions on ow to get direct clients? I have sent my resume to a few title companies, followed up with emails and phone calls, however, they already have their own preferred notaries and I have yet to get any response, even though they say they will reach out to me.

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I googled title companies and sent them direct emails for the ones that don’t have a vendor sign-up page. I have gotten a few orders that way. I have also signed up with signing order and upgraded my membership. Most of my orders have come from there. I also have a paid membership with Notary Cafe and my first signing assignment was from a title company that found me from my Notary Cafe profile. Go to Notary Rotary and they have a list of signing companies that are rated that you can also reach out to.

I’m new too and I understand your pain… :slight_smile:

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@donaldsonnp Hi. Thank you so much for response. I have been getting signings from Signature Closers but not as much from other companies and it seems as though the signings have slowed down drastically. I just want them to be steady and consistent. lol. I am going to get a paid membership for the Notary Cafe and hopefully that will make a huge difference. I appreciate you responding. Thank you, and have a productive day.

What company do you do vehicle inspections for or do you work with a specific dealership in your area?

that is the truth. I love your honesty

I’m glad you are telling the truth. It would be horrible to tell newbies that this profession is “so easy” when it’s not

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what state are you working in?

What state are you in? I’m in Michigan and rates are lower even direct title companies.

I’m in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. There is a lot of competition but this is the business where if you put in the work and the quality of service it improves your ratings that leads to higher rates.

in the midst of interest rates going up???hmm

Yeah I got a signing from a title company in Pennsylvania They definitely pay more than here.
I love out of state signings;)

Some are a bit skeptical about the Success Bombing: the term coined for the need someone has to show off about their success. Income bragging is very common from the graduates of 6 Figure Income University. Many of the purveyors of the 6 Figure Income are basing their sales pitch from their experience in the California Market, and from years past. Each market is different, your experience will be different than others. I spoken directly to many of the 6 figure schools only yo reach back to me

While your math is accurate, many who’ve been in this business, know what it takes to be successful. Your claims are being seen as bragging, especially if you’re new to the business. small business owners know it takes about three years, from launch to consistent profitability.

Many of those who bought the 6 Figure Pitch, are no longer in the business, or are seeing the less that what was promised. Claims you’re getting $150 per closing isn’t consistent with comments by others stating declining fee offerings. Keep in mind those pitching 6 figure incomes if you take their training offer no money back guarantees. Consider this fact, the 6 figure professors primary source of income is the training they offer.

My criticism is not directed at any particular school, instructor, or the quality of the education you receive. They are doing a disservice to their students when it comes not being transparent that this business is highly regional. Their formula doesn’t apply everywhere.


I work as an independent contractor with a company called WeGo Look. They post available inspections in the area and the prices and you can accept or decline or ignore the notification on their app. Like today I had a virtual inspection with an insurance claims adjustor 5 min from my home that took 10 min and paid me $30.00


Thank you for replying and the info!