Six figures, huh?

Right? Big difference between making six figures, and NETTING six figures. You took the words right out of my mouth.


This is so true, lol! All kinds of nonsense…

Why the sarcasm and hate? I personally do NOT discuss or speak about my income. I was taught it is bad manners. It IS possible to make 1k a year doing this or 1k a day (I have made more than 1k in a day i.e 1000.00. ) Anything and everything is possible in this business. WORK YOUR business how u want to and allow others to do the same. I am blunt. I will correct and educate people when I can with kindness (not always possible with some folks who think that their feces smells like roses). Good luck to you and YOUR goals which we all have different goals. I think envy is not a good quality in anyone.


BRILLIANT POST!!! Lol! I love it! You absolutely nailed it here…BRAVO!! EVERYONE NEEDS TO TAKE THE TIME TO READ IT…you summed it up perfectly -thank you for taking the time!!! :heart:


Interest rates are up and refi market is down because of it…

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Forgot to mention my son also teaches part time at Yale and Harvard :slight_smile:


It’s nice to have both options of full time and part time. Flexibility is great in this industry. The signings and preparing docs is what I love about this job. I unfortunately live in an area where our bridge to leave is not going to be repaired until mid 2022. This makes my driving difficult as I have to go south just to leave my area. That alone takes 20 min or more so I have to add that on to any job commute I take on. The flexibility is nice. My son has his cross country meet ending in less than an hour so it’s nice to have the flexibility to pick him up from practice.


Very well said! And I totally agree, this business, like any business you want to make successful, takes work! I lost my job due to covid the end of 2020. I started my notary signing agent journey in March. I got my commission the end of May and really didn’t start “hustling” until the end of July due to prior commitments. Last week I did 17 signings, up to over 80 signings in really just 2 months. And only through signing services. I have done direct marketing and will continue to as like you said not many notaries will stick with it. Mark gives you the tools, its up to you what you do with them!


So funny :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Here are some hard truths about the training game con-artists.
They say they invented a way to become rich and are willing to share with you to get rich. All you gotta do is to pay a fee. Remember late night tv shows peddling all sorts of books, get rich quick schemes and methods. Ring a BELL !!! Amway, Brite and all network sales pitches
All Success coaches, make millions , telling you HOW TO MAKE MILLIONS !!
Now , remember the story of the con man Kevin Mark Trudeau, who made millions peddling his books on late night tv show and moved to Switzerland.

Now the latest spin to this popular CON GAME , is the SIX FIGURE NOTARY JOB .

OH MY , How gullible are you notaries ?

OK, I suppose dreaming is NOT bad. Here is some hard Maths

Suppose you want to earn $100,000 per year as Notary Signing Agent.
There are 250 Work days, - Monday to Friday ( give or take a few) outta 365 days.
An average salaried employee works 8 hrs per day/ that makes 2000 work hours per year, not to mention commute, and over times.

So you have 250 Daily opportunities to make money .
That means $400 per day. Every day for all working days.

  1. Imagine how many files you have to close to get paid $400
  2. Now , Imagine how many files will actually PAY YOU and not cheat you?
  3. Now , Imagine how many hours, waiting, biting nails to get documents on time to complete those signings
  4. Now, Imagine after few hours daily of anxiety / burnout sets in ??
  5. Now , if all goes well, Where you will be emotionally?

So ,

Mr Six Figure Notary, can sell his snake oil elsewhere !! Six Figures will NOT HAPPEN to every one, unless you Uncle runs a “few” title companies and is dedicated to give you exclusive files to close day after day.

So this SIX FIGURE chase is but an IDEAL FANTASY.


Hi All
I made over 6 figures last year and am already over 6 figures for this year. I work extremely hard and close 25-30 plus files a week. I did not take Mark Wills’ class but I did take someone elses class which was useful to me first in becoming well trained and knowing what I am doing as a signing agent. When I started I took every awful paying job out there so that I had a track record of closings and became a qualified (meaning , domonstrated a growing number of closings) closer on sites such as and I also sought out national title companies to work with directly outside of the platforms. I do not know what the future will bring but I have cast as wide a net that I could to work with as many companies as possible and have demonstrated my ability to close consistently, fix errors when they occur as fast as possible (and they will occur no matter how experienced you are) and to say yes as much as possible so that I get as many calls and opportunities as possible.

I do not doubt that people have benefitted from the classes out there as I have. I also do not doubt that many will fail for a variety of reasons, including areas that are saturated more so than others and an unwillingness to be patient and also build ones body of work and connect with as many companies as possible.

Also I hear a lot of complaining about package size and faxbacks. I do not care, I take it all and do not complain. When I am busiest I take less of the less desireable work I am offered…because I do not have time. When I have time I would rather be earning.


I know several six figure signing agents (all of whom trained with and received mentoring from the “six figure man”), and I know of one who has created a seven-figure signing agency, while training with him and being mentored by him.

I understand why a lot of people consider some of the claims hard to believe, and why some of the people consider some of his conduct and style off-putting.

Personally and professionally I have a lot of respect for him, his course, his mentoring, and the strength and direct benefit of the overall community he has created.

Somewhat interestingly, is the most valuable part of his training for me was the depth with which he dives into the detail of the documents. I was infinitely better prepared for my first few signings that I would have otherwise been had I not taken his training.

And I’m not at six figures yet, but I’m into mid five figures after just a few months, and all I’ve done is follow his training, for the most part. And I’m firmly convinced that if I had followed it a bit more diligently I would be even closer to six figures in income. And, per that, I have made many times my investment in that course and subsequent mentoring, by making use of what I have learned from him.

As with anything, your mileage, experience, opinions, etc. may vary. I’m just sharing mine.

All the best!


After about six months working as a notary signing agent I started getting far more signings in the $150 to $200 range. Six figures is a lot more realistic when that starts to happen. And most of these are title company direct packages where I don’t have to print anything, and where I’m usually paid within a week at the outside.


You just described my last week in 1 paragraph.

Come on folks, you need to take control over the room and set expectations right away. You need to tell them that you need their full attention or you can leave if it is not a good time for them and they can reschedule when it is better for them. Believe me, letting them know you mean business and have no problem excusing your self from the situation gets their attention and they will focus and get down to business. I do not put up with people who will not give their attention to their own signing.

I do have empathy for folks with babies and people with disabilities and give my all and demostrate patience to make it as easy as possible for them. They are also appreciative and give their best in return…

If you let the signors run the signing then you get what you allow them to dictate to you instead of of the expectations that you set.

I was taught that you need to take control over a room when I started in a class with Carol Ray.


It’s always like this, you start earning a lot and you forget about everything!(

Quoting “It’s always like this, you start earning a lot and you forget about everything!(”

How so? dougsandlin and I are literally drawing from our experiences from when we first started to the present?

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Six figures income is not hard to achieve as a Notary Signing Agent. My first year I made 123k reported on1099 from 3 title companies plus another $2k combined total w/o 1099 from small SS. And Making $200k a year is doable as well if you are smart, efficient, professional and proactive. You definitely will not have time to waste joking with the clients at the signing table:) :wink:


Are you leaving for personal reasons or is it the actual job?
Not trying to pry just asking. I just started Jan 3 and I’m not near 50k but I could have been higher had this been my sole source of income. I was working for a company and not focused on my own. I regret I waited so long!!!

Care to elaborate on your methods? For those numbers you’d have to work every single day almost, doing 6+ signings consistently. No vacations. Maybe even working on Saturdays. That doesn’t sound sustainable or fun, really… How do you do it?