Source for Sample Documents

Hello, does anyone have a reasonable priced source for a sample of documents? I’m familiar with those in a residential refinance, purchase and heloc but would like to see one for a commercial closing, reverse closing and while I’m at it seller docs.

Thank you for your help!

you can buy the NNAs study guide and loan document source off e bay or similar site . Don’t buy new , too expensive. the study guide is helpful because it breaks down some common and not so common documents, the source book I haven’t been through it all but it has tons of info . there are other “loan document” books out there too. I bought mine off eBay and saved a ton.

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These are the ones I’m talking about. just took this so those prices are probabaly still available.

Thank you Chandie! I had found those on NNA but wanted another alternative. I am always weary of ebay etc but I will give them a try since reading some other posts I’ve seen others mention finding what they needed there too.

Have a great day!

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Yes ETSY you can purchase a set of practice documents. I think it’s less then $10 I purchased a set about a year ago.


When I started this biz in 2006, I took my copy of my own last refi and studied those to familiarize myself with what a refi would conceivably look like. If you own your home (instead of rent), you can study your purchase docs or your refi docs or if you’ve recently sold a property, review those docs. No need to go out and buy “sample documents.”

You just need to be familiar with the docs. Remember, we don’t explain the docs or the terms. We simply present them and perhaps point out where the signer can get his/her explanation - or contact title or loan officer for further clarification.



Hi Earl,
Yes that is another good idea. Thank you!

Hi Yolicue,
Yes I am already very familiar with purchase or refi docs. I am currently in the mortgage industry and have generated the closing docs that are signed at closings. I am looking for commercial and reverse closings… those I’d like to have a chance to review for my own education.

Thanks! :smiley:

Reverse is very easy just time consuming and you get used to it it’s pretty easy. Notaroo has training videos on their website for closing reverse mortgages - I just do not recommend taking their assignments they are a 90 day pay. But they do a lot of reverse and have information on those closings available.

I find that property buyer and seller packages are different from title to title company and state to state. Best way to close those kinds of packages are to make a list of questions as you review the documents and contact the title company. One set of instructions and documents will never teach you everything you’ll see. My experience is that most escrow officers would rather get your questions in advance and know you won’t be guessing. Hope that helps.

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Here is the problem with any book of documents. You have hundreds of loan programs, thousands of lenders and tens of thousands of title companies. There is no way that you will get everything you need.
My recommendation is to NOT take an ASAP signing for a while and to study each doc in your loan package. Depending on which loan signing training you took, you might be able to review that first file with the signing company.

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Chances are unlikely you will start out with a Commercial Closing. And if you really want to do Reverse Mortgages (I pass on all of these), Notary2Pro includes this in their training.

If you have experience, that is great but you still really need specific trainings to get a lot of the assignments. I had 30 year in the mortgage industry and still took training just to get my business fired up. I completed it on a Saturday afternoon and moved on. Please consider if you have not taken any training and whatever you do, don’t rely on the NNA training.

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I’ve got a copy if you want to buy from me. I can give references, if you’d like.

Yes i agree States have different forms for seller docs . Most are same / universal
They have their own state forms to be filled out or signed.
Any questions… just ask the title officer.
In my experience…they love being asked so u get it right. And everyone gets paid the first time.

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Hello and thank you to everyone who has responded. I appreciate the feedback. Since what I was looking for may not be a regular occurrence, I haven’t seen another commercial assignment pop up since… I think I’m going to hold off purchasing anything. I will accept and try to win the bid with enough time to review all the pages and go from there.

Thank you again so very much. It is outstanding to have such responsive people on this forum. I hope one day I can reply in kind.