Temper your expectations

To preface this, I’ve been a lurker on these forums for quite some time and I’ve noticed a ton of expectations lately that seem too unrealistic. I’m a NSA out of Michigan and have been one for the past 7 years. I usually pull in at least 8k worth of business every month but it takes a LONG time to get to that point. I see a ton of newer notaries looking to make fast money or expecting SS or TC to come to them over seasoned notaries while they have very little experience.

A few tips that I’d suggest for newer Notaries that are just getting into this:

  1. Don’t quit your day job!!! I’ve seen a few posts lately where people seem to put all of their eggs in this basket and are expecting instant results. When I started as a SA I did this on the side of my main job in hopes of just getting a little extra income on the side, hell even an extra 1k a month would’ve been great. Eventually after years of work and marketing I was able to turn this side job into my main one. Most of the seasoned LSA’ on these forums can tell you that this is not a sprint, it’s a MARATHON.

  2. Take what you can get early. I see a ton of people making topics about low ball fees and what they wouldn’t take. If you live in a saturated area (which many here do) you are already behind the 8 ball. When I started I took a ton of debt consolidations, timeshare refis and annuities. Yea the pay sucked, hell the documents sucked but it allowed me to get my foot in the door and that’s what newer notaries should be aiming to do. Notarygo, coast to coast, etc will have to be your priority for a while when you start. If you have issues with the fees refer to tip #1.

  3. Take fair fees. This one will be controversial because my feelings differ from a lot of others about fees. I wont start my car for under $100 but I wont beg and demand for top end money either. I work with a few TC directly and am compensated very well when I have to go out of the way because they know I’m fair with my prices and they wont have to negotiate too much. By doing that I stay at the top of their list and I make more than enough. This month has been the slowest in a while but I’ll still hit over 60 closings this month. On average I do around 90 per month.

  4. Market yourself. This doesn’t mean just going into TC’s cold, this means every call you have with a SS make yourself someone they can remember. When you go to a signing give give out business cards to your signers. You wouldn’t believe the amount of general notary work I do on the side from previous borrowers that need POA forms or bank forms notarized (sometimes immediately after the signing is complete).

This is a very lucrative business, even when it’s not a hot season but to get to that point you can’t cut corners. This isn’t to discourage anyone but to set realistic expectations.
Thanks for reading

  • Al

Amen. Appreciate the reality lesson. Hope newbs listen.


Thank you! Very well stated and in a positive way that still encourages the newbies not to give up.


Something I needed to hear! I didn’t expect instant success or six figures but I was getting disappointed about how slow and how often I get passed over when I do hit the “I’m available button”! Lol


My experience is that same as yours, Al.

Your expectations synopsis is spot on. It’s all about transitions. I liken it to Tarzan swinging through the forest from vine to vine . . . important to have a good grip on your next “lifeline” before letting go of your current one. :angel::tulip:

The scenario you present (or a similar one) should be a mandatory training component for potential new agents.

I’ve successfully completed the training programs of multiple companies. Most don’t present the realistic view that the new agent will be directly confronted with when they start their business; however, there is one training program that does present it (Notary2Pro). Carol Ray has years of Escrow/Title experience as well as years of providing training for signing agent services and excellent mentoring services (speaking from first-hand experience). If someone is looking for the best training program that’s not sugar-coated nor unrealistically stoking dreams of fast-money, I’d recommend they invest their hard-earned funds in Notary2Pro training.


Another Amen. I want to add that I see posts in many places from newbs going way overboard on equipment. If money is no object, sure, go top shelf, but all you really need is a gently used laser b/w printer from eBay, a cell phone and a scanner. Even a multi-function will do UNTIL you know that this gig will do what you need it to do financially. As you build up PROFIT, you can upgrade & the ol’ multi-function becomes your backup.


Completely agree - Carol has a good track record of successful agents - along with a nice post-grad support system - she’ll tell you like it is…no sugar-coating.

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I want to thank you for this thoughtful and honest post.

I’m new, and I’m taking everything you say to heart.

I’m starting to see the benefits of getting on the map for whatever price, and watching those same companies coming back to me with REAL money offers.
It has to do with accuracy, efficiency, having a great attitude… and gratitude.
Ask for more business. If you’ve done a great job, you’ll get it.


I LOVE you passing on your experience. I agree, started doing the signings part time, but without advertising and so forth, I did not build my business up to 60 - 90 per month… I live in a highly saturated area - Houston, Texas - and I have not given it the full attention and dedication it would take to really succeed. I always had my other 20 hr/week job plus 12 - 15 hrs/week being driver and nanny for 2 grandchildren the first 4 years.

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Last year alone I avg. 19.3k per month is South OC
You new notaries need to take every job that comes your way, that loss of money is experience that you don’t have yet.
Over time the big fish will come.
To show up on time and don’t make mistakes. Period.


Bravo!!! I’m doing half of what your doing and im fine with 2-3k a month. It gives me perfect balance! It’s taken 3 years though and im not so busy i can’t give quality time to clients. I sometimes take less than usual for those SS that treat me right. :two_hearts:


Thank you for your positive input. I am a newbie and agree with your opinion and also really appreciate your perspective.


Thanks for your honest and well thought out feedback.


Thank you. That was very well said. It was encouraging to me because I see all these videos of people only 3 months in the business pulling in $5K, $10K, and even $15K per month. As a newbie, I was thinking that I just can’t measure up to that, but I recently came to the revelation that your post just confirmed for me which is that this IS a marathon and NOT a sprint.

I have received GNW from a previous closing (specifically, my first closing that I thought was a train wreck). So your post for me is validation that slow and steady wins the race. Again, thank you for your post. It was just what I needed to hear.


You’ll get to where you want to be with patience. I liken this to taking a road trip; you know how you see those cars on the road that’s speeding by like bats out of hell? Usually, you can catch up with them at a point b/c they burn out on going at that speed after a while, or they get pulled over by the cops or worse…my point is driving the speed limit gets you where you want to be quicker than speeding down the road. AND, it’s less risk that way! Don’t let the money be your only motivating factor when doing this work. It’s about the relationships that you build while doing it that will set you apart from the crowd. You’ve got this!


I forgot to also say, Semper Fi brother! Thank you for your service! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you Devil Dog!! Semper Fi to you too!


Yay!!! Thanks for bringing reality into this equation. Couldn’t have said it better.

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If you don’t mind, I am going to use this for some other groups I belong to. I agree whole heartedly. I’ve been a Notary/NSA Since 2019. I’m not at your level yet but I consistently earn $3500-$4500 monthly. My base is $90 but I also take $75 very easy Hybrids.

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Thx hunbun but I didn’t serve; however, my dad, brothers, uncles and ex husband all are jarheads…lol I guess I’m one by proxy! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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