The Importance of Carrying Protection

Oh Wow. That is so scary. Some people are really weird. What did that expect you to do? It is unbelievable. I am glad you got out from that place safe.

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If your comment is directed at me, please know that at no time did I feel threatened. I felt more amused than anything, but I definitely thought about what kind of message and messaging they delivered to the children in the home. And, just to break the ice I made a comment, “Mr Smith, I see you are fully adorned with artwork and hardware. Nice!” His wife found my remark amusing. He did not, so from there I stayed on task. But the encounter did offer me food for thought. This encounter could have been totally different given another character. So, from that point I began to think about what could I have done and how might I react in a similar situation if I felt really threatened. At that point I began to develop my plans for safety. But personally I have room in my acceptance of people to meet and engage with all types. Which is why I really love what I do.


If you’re in the driveway it’s easier for them to prevent you from leaving by blocking your vehicle.


If I have to park in a driveway I try to get a close to the street as possible minimizing the risk they could block me in. I try to park in the street facing the direction I arrived. It makes finding my way out that much easier.

When I get ready to leave I do a quick walk around to make certain nothing has been tampered or will is in the way. Since I drive a truck I check the bed for stow-a-ways.

Make certain your vehicle hasn’t started leaking fluids. You really don’t want your car’s dripping staining the drive way of a $million home. Materials like Flag Stone, Pea Gravel, Brick (masonary) can be really expensive to de-stain.


Kinda wish I had more information surrounding this specific situation but I am happy you escaped safe and unscathed. Kinda believing you reported this “to the authorities” for possible criminal investigation given how it sounded to me to be an attempt a either fraud or identity theft. IDK.

Am I inclined to go into someone’s house? Nope. <I do have what I believe are superb “spidey senses” to uncomfortable situations.> I am always of the belief that public areas such as libraries, coffee shops, rec centers, are great places to conduct business. Heck, even the lobby of my local police station works well for me.

Glad you’re safe. If, for me, I feel the need to go somewhere that “protection” might be needed, I aint going.


I have been in couple of hostile situations, but you have to maintain your demeanor. In my case I had to dumb it down to “I am just a guy who is here for signature, but if you do have questions or concerns we can call EO directly since I have access to their direct line”. That cools down people in most cases.


Thank you for passing this information on. I’m soooo glad you are okay :pray:

forgive my ignorance, but how did you know what was it about the ID that tipped you off?

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@genevawilkerson33 FYI => Many certified notary signing agents [CNSAs] carry a ultraviolet [UV] light and an Identification [ID] Checking Guide in their notary briefcase Tool Kit. :hibiscus:

There are multiple places that one could purchase an ID Checking Guide & cost between $25-$30. The United States & Canada guide [combined] has full-color images and specific identifying markers for each state and/or province.

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Thanks for the ID tips. It wasn’t a case of a fake ID, the ID she had match all the paperwork. It was a case of a person she was trying to pass off as the co-borrower who was not the person on the ID. She went so far as to try to keep the person in the dark so I couldn’t identify him.

Climbed in the window!!! She WAS a desperate woman! No wonder the original co-borrower refused to sign. And did the original co-borrower even know about the loan that they were being included in until the time to sign? Makes me wonder :thinking: So glad you got out of there safely and it’s a story to tell with this ending. :+1:t2:

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Hello Penandseal,
Thank you for sharing. I live in a carry state, but pepper spray is a great idea as well.

I’m 4’10 and now that it gets dark early, if I schedule an after 5pm closing, I bring my husband.
He’s a retired AMMO guy for 20 years. He’s also a retired Correctional Officer of which they had a range of weapons they had to keep qualified for and he has his concealed weapons License. I tell him that if I’m not out in a hour and a half, better bring Big Madea(9mm gun) with him.


I mentioned this on the FB notary page just this week. I have not started yet but I definitely have pepper spray and my partner has been on me about getting my license to carry.

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…because they could block your exit.

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I would certainly love to know the follow-up happenings, like does she get arrested for attempted bank fraud and all that jazz. Some people are just insane. I’m very happy you came out unharmed.

It’s hard for a woman to handle a man so it is important that we carry some type of protection. Martial arts may not be enough.

So glad you are ok. The world has gone crazy and one never knows when someone will pose a credible threat, In this day and age, you need to be extra careful because even a self defense can be the end of everything…I worked inpatient psych for 25 years so I have good radar. I do not go anywhere until I reach the signers and speak with them. No going if the contact numbers are not correct, or if someone is unstable during a two minute call. The other night a man called at about 9pm asking if he could “come over for a notarization” and that he was “in my neighborhood” I wasn’t really afraid, just thought hmm odd!!! I looked him up by his number and he was in prison for Fraud in another state. Needless to say…you have to follow your instincts as well. How much money is worth your life?

My advice is based my my 10 years in Law Enforcement and holding blackbelts in both Ai Ki Do and Krava Maga. Krav Maga and Ju Jitsu have a focus on hand to hand combatives. These styles will also increase your situational awareness. One of the rules taught in all Martial Arts; avoidance is the first line of defense. Walking away from a souring situation reduces the risk of anyone getting hurt. This may mean leaving your Notary Tools behind, getting out, then calling your local law enforcement agency. Use your MA training only when necessary.

If you’re going to use any form of protection you need to be trained on how to use it. Keep in mind that more than 50% of the time, the ‘protection’ ends up being used against the victim. The use of a chemical agent in an enclosed space means you’ll feel the affects of that agent which would put you at a disadvantage.

This is why you learn a martial art, so you’ll be able to handle a male assailant.


Be careful about what you post on this or any forum. Posting on the internet is like peeing in a pool, you’ll get it out. Bragging about the use of force, especially lethal force, can be subpoenaed by the Grand Jury looking into your actions.

Remember the political environment in your local jurisdiction, and whether or not it’s an election year (tough on crime DAs), can determine if your case is tried in front of a jury of 12 people who aren’t smart enough to get out of jury duty.