This got to be a joke

You just brought up a valid point. I would like to add, consider the total cost to do business. When that calculation is performed, that $65 equate to working under the minimum wage, if not losing money. Some of these signing orders, when the proper calculation is performed, LSAs are paying the signing services, lenders, and title companies money to handle their orders.


Keep in mind that the forum is for newbies too, who just don’t know any better. These discussions showing differing approaches and opinions are so valuable. Keep up the good work.

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As a newbie I never found this forum. Which is probably a good thing. ‘Not knowing better’ was a blessing.

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You may have a point there.

Ha ha I have to disagree there. I think it is better to know :smiley: Not knowing is a good way for a new notary to get into hot water and ignorance of law/rules is not a valid defense no matter what state we reside.

You misunderstand. I never guessed about the job - I had a mentor and relied on title companies.

What I didn’t rely on was the opinions voiced in this forum. Y’all are sometimes ridiculous. Declaring how other should behave towards signing services etc. “Not knowing better” refers to not knowing what a collective self-proclaimed experts had to say about everything was the blessing. I know the rules and I set the rules for my own business without relying on what people here think. Folks are very quick to decide what people mean when they say something.

OK apparently I did misunderstand your comment about not knowing better. I stand corrected. I wasn’t quick to decide… rather I was reading your words and taking at face value. That was my intention anyway. And I am sorry if you took offense, PeggySue.

I don’t take offense on this forum. It’s not a big deal.


Hello Queen,

I am also enjoying all the tips. I am a newbie and I’m still trying to find my way. It’s hard to even get a signing and I think I’ll speak for myself when I say this, as a newbie, and not getting much of any signing, we take what we can get for the experience. I am not looking at it as lowballing, I’m just trying to get the experience so I could get more signing and then be able to start counter-offering what I really deserve. I have only gotten one small signing thus far. What am I missing? so any information you give us we take it to heart.

Thank you.

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Hello Stacey,

Most new LSAs have done the same thing you are doing. Truth, even seasoned LSAs are having a tough time getting assignments. Have you considered finding a mentor to help you shorten your learning curving on building your business? Tip! It’s harder to get title companies or signing services to increase your fees, if you are willing to work at lower fees. Don’t get me wrong, I am not telling you not to get work. I do not know your background or experience, so it hard for me to give you advice. If you ever wish to chat, please let me know, otherwise good luck on your journey.

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Hello CFletcher

I have considered getting a mentor. That will be my next step. I’m not afraid to ask for help. I really appreciate your feedback and I would like to have a chat with you soon.

Thank you

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As cfletcher pointed out, there’s not a lot of business available for anyone, so if you’re accepting low fees and still not getting the job…don’t think you’ll get a higher offer next time. Regardless of experience, we ALL get the same offer…and only the newbs believe that, with experience, they’ll be offered a higher fee. All this does is encourage hiring party to offer less and less.


Here is Missouri they have gotten a lot cheaper ok I was told by Servicelink that because my area was saturated with notaries the cost decreased . I informed her that our cost for supplies has increased, we bare the expense. Signings that use to pay $125-150 are now $65-70 . Maybe we all join a union to protect the future of notaries… You see their fees to the signer hasn’t changed on the closing disclosure

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You can’t join a union fee setting as a group is against the rules in my state. WA.

Every state is different …it can b difficult

All of us need to counter fees, then they’ll have no choice but to go with best bid which is higher than the crap they think they can get away with.
Besides our position which comes with a huge responsibility and professionalism, should pay much more than minimum wage when it’s all said and done.
I’ve responded to offers. "This isn’t even minimum wage. " and I laugh when I hit that send button.

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Adding to what others have suggested, I’d point out that most lenders and title companies require a minimum $100k Signing Agent Errors & Omissions insurance before hiring a signing agent. Many also require signing agents to be “Fidelity Approved”. I recommend reviewing your signing agent E&O policy to ensure you have sufficient coverage and updating your profile so that potential hiring companies have all the info they require to make a hiring decision.

"Many also require signing agents to be “Fidelity Approved”. "

Keeping in mind…if you get Fidelity approved directly through Fidelity, you’re approved across the board. If you get Fidelity Approved through a signing service sponsoring you, you are FA for only that company.

Also, read your terms of service. You are NOT allowed to advertise “Fidelity Approved” in any profile or any website on which you maintain a presence.

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Hi Linda, Bancserv is part of FNF. A notary who is “fidelity approved” via Bankserv (FNF), is fidelity approved period and able to receive assignments from any part of FNF, FNTG, etc. (FNF is huge!) Which specific terms of service you are referring to? Can you provide a link? My FNF terms of service state a notary cannot claim they are either EMPLOYED BY or REPRESENT Bankserv/FNF, etc., which I am not. Here is an example application packet from Pacific Coast Title with terms:

$65 is actually a high fee for them, especially with no scanbacks. I’d say it was because of the distance but they don’t look at that when pricing a job.