UGHH the market isn't good right now

I feel myself getting discouraged…
You put money into getting the notary license…Money into getting the signing certificate…Buying printers…buying paper…paying to join different associations…Now contemplating paying 300.00 for more knowledge…
ONLY to get 65.00 jobs and more so none at all…
WHEN will things pick up, because this stuff is adding UP…( ughhh )
Sorry this is just my Monday rant :upside_down_face:

@Sophianotaryservices Truly, the essence of the difficulty is that those who are MARKETING the launch for a business of this nature DON’T tell their clients (you) about the challenges, downturn in the market over the past several years, how many start and then quit because they aren’t receiving orders, etc., etc., etc. . . .


I could tell you that there are THOUSANDS of threads immediately available within the Notary Cafe database that will provide ANYONE ( this is a Public forum) with insights about how bad things are now for anyone already experienced & established as a business owner, but most refuse to accept the Truth & only want to believe the “sizzle” they’ve been sold . . . but, no steak.


Here are the Survey results for income in 2023:


Here’s the previous one:


You can Research the forum database by accessing keywords including many of the words utilized in your post . . .

In case you have some time on your hands, here are a few unadulterated threads providing the Truth (just to get you started . . .).

Don’t pay 300 for knowledge when you can get it for less then $100. VERY good course from Notary Training School I get nothing for sharing this but hope people will save money.


I appreciate that Earl…I’m going to look into it…I just noticed that a lot of companies want those signers that have taken that course …( sad face )
But it’s just NOT in my budget…If I can save money I’m definitely going to try to do so ( lol )
Again I thank you

I’ve taken one of those $300 courses, thinking that it would be a good answer to the lack of business. You’re right, $65 signings don’t cover the cost of that course, let alone make you any money to live off of. That being said, possibly try focusing on marketing (title companies, gnw, attorneys, real estate professionals). Get comfortable with GNW work (I live in a smaller town with about 16k people in it) and at least 1-2 times a week, I get a call for gnw work, that grosses me anywhere from $75-$150 (depending on where, what town, etc.) That is almost pure profit, minus the mileage, plus you get your name in your community. I think it took me a solid 6 months (reading forums, signing up for signing services, connecting with other notaries, learning how to make a google business page, making flyers and dropping those and business cards off at nursing homes, hospital social workers, assisted care living, etc). There have been a lot of tears and frustration, sometimes, I’ve wasted money, and sometimes, what I’ve paid is worth more than a million courses. I found someone at a title company that has reached out to me, and said, listen, call me with any questions, even if they aren’t with us. I text her, tell her when she gets a moment, and I try really hard not to waste her time with silly questions, but she’s made me a far better notary/signing agent then any course. Courses give you a little boost of confidence, and they can be beneficial, but when every dime counts, you can probably make do with the knowledge that you can get from forums/youtube/and some cheaper courses. That was a ramble, but I just wanted you to know that you’re not alone, and that this feeling is something that you have to push through, and it can happen!

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You are so right…
It’s rough as hell out here… ( lol ) Trying to pay the bills, and trying to also get this business going… its ALOT but i’m determined to keep going. I have also talked with someone from a real estate company, asking questions and getting advise…
I JUST paid 65.00 for a RON class, and I’m sitting here thinking that I could have saved my money… The dollars are adding up and fast. I’m going to stay the course though… Just learn all that I can and hopefully soon it will all pay off :smiley:

@Sophianotaryservices Under “normal” circumstances, launching a new business within this business sector is a MARATHON, not a sprint . . .

However, especially at this time, economy, real estate market, interest rate, etc. - truly, it’s a slog.

It’s important to have 6 - 9 months of operating expenses on-hand to carry you through the launch. Of course, it’s like other things in real estate => Location, Location, Location!

As I mentioned above, you owe it to yourself to research the income of others in your region (see survey references above) AND check the saturation of competition . . .


( lol )… yes I got that message and definitely understand… I know that it’s a marathon… But I needed to vent so I did just that… Also most don’t have 6-9 months of operating expense … But thanks for the comment

@Sophianotaryservices Oh, thought you were asking for insights & suggestions by posting on the Notary Cafe forum . . . Got it.


I understand that you are a seasoned notary, I’m sure with amazing experience…But some of us aren’t…So frustration definitely kicks in when starting out… But thank you for your insights and suggestions

@Sophianotaryservices Hmmm . . . it’s not about me. The focus is on you & being of assistance to you.

I donate my time & efforts by sharing & caring & assisting others who are endeavoring to launch their business; i.e., mentoring.

Sounds as if you & I have divergent viewpoints. I understand. I’ll skip your posts. Best wishes.


You need to go on all the forums and look for the signing companies or title companies and sign up with them all. Every month you should look for new companies and sign up.
Notary Rotary-Notary Cafe-Snapdocs etc
Don’t settle for just 10-20 keep putting your name out there

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Thank you…I have been doing that and will definitely continue… Much appreciated

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