Vylla Title

Sorry for your experience, UGH! I haven’t heard of this Title Co, but a couple months ago I- got a call from Title after a sign stating I didn’t send back the DOT (Deed of Trust). I know of course I did, I know by the method I sign docs and record in my journal. I figure the person who was taking the DOT to record lost it. So, I just stand my ground - in the long story- there were other errors which sheds light on where and whom the errors were originating from. Most comes with experience and your documentation and notes to yourself but invaluable in defending yourself because somehow title companies hire some dups. Good luck in the future!

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Sorry to hear about your experience with that situation; I had a great experience with Vylla Title and enjoyed every moment, I had a signer’s spouse who was not even on the loan hold up the closing. I was patient and continue to come up with solutions to resolve the issue. it took a day, I had to go back to their home to get 1 doc signed for a refinance, I was okay with it because I really enjoyed the couple. sometimes you have to look at it as a “situation” unfortunately you can catch some on a bad day, but don’t take it personal, you sound like a wonderful caring and great person. At the end of the day we get to choose who we want to work with and never ever allow anyone to disrespect you, there is a way to talk to people. Don’t let this upset you, there are plenty of signings to come just write this one off as an experience and story on your journey to becoming a Succesful Signing Agent. Blessings.


Sounds like if that were me I would suggest signers call the police and you NOT speak to them further…may want to call your E/O and surety bond. It sounds like the signers accused you of taking POA docs with you NOT the woman Making you her AIF as you would have committed a crime notarizing a doc that you are a beneficiary of…as far as the life insurance policy again sounds like they think you HAVE the documents not that your the beneficiary of…need to get behind or o top of this. REMEMBER if your in a 1 party state your phone calls can be recorded for your benefit or demise. Never had issues with Vylla other than huge packages lots of stamps.

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I had a similiar experience with a couple at a signing about a month ago. They reported me to the lender saying I made an inappropriate comment. They turned what I said into something I did not say. Lender called Title and Title blocked me from completing any more signings for them. No questions to me. No chance to defend myself. It made me realize exactly how vulnerable we are going into people’s homes with no representation for ourselves. We are the last to believed. I don’t get it. I love what I do, but I do now question “the people” part of it. I have now pulled back a good bit. I go in, complete the job and leave.


That’s crazy! What did they accuse you of saying, if you don’t mind me asking?

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The longer you do this, the less you say. Some people will say anything if they think they’ll gain something by it. I once had a guy call his LO about something and he had the nerve to sit there in front of me and tell his LO …the notary said…several things that I would never say.


Its called "STIRRING THE POT "

Some people do it just to get kicks outta it.

If a Notary does not value their time/Service and Do not charge enough, Work for cheap jobs, All they get is cheap clients.


That is horrible! I’m so sorry that happened to you!

I concur & have seen it happen to others time and again over my years working in this business sector.

It’s completely unacceptable for this scenario to have that type of result. Also, it’s quite short-sighted of Lenders/Title/Escrow companies to manage their vetted Vendors/Independent Contractors in that manner especially if they have a stellar working experience up to that point in time . . . Truly a conundrum.

Inexcusable, but part of the business that we each must contend with daily. Remember, from their perspective, you’re only ‘as good as’ the most recent file you’ve completed. :wink:

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Yes, I don’t publish any details on my insurance coverage amounts. My error. Thanks for catching it.

@inkmeup - I have not worked with Vylla since that horrific incident. And I don’t plan on ever changing my mind over them. :upside_down_face:

@Arichter - back in March you told me the longer I do this, the less I will say. That has stuck with me, thank you for the great advice. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello. I just declined a signing from them after reviewing their terms. They had several requirements that added up to be too ridiculous for me. I’m generally put off by excessive handholding and being micromanaged. They wanted a specific envelope to be used and wanted ALL documents to be printed on legal sized paper regardless of whether the PDF was in letter. They were vague on issues that should have been specific (like getting copies of IDs or not) and specific on petty issues. I’m sure these strange parameters came about from bad notaries not doing their job, but to dumb down your business practices to the extent that you have to belittle all notaries? I got the itching feeling that all these strange and petty rules were just an excuse for them to get out of paying you the full amount. So I went with my gut after a Vylla Rep stated, “Those are our rules and if you don’t like it then we’ll find someone else”. Simply because I asked why I had to print everything on legal when I have a functional dual tray printer. Either way, I’m glad I put my foot down and didn’t cave by accepting the job. I get plenty of work from reasonable title companies.

Without reading the subsequent posts (53 at the moment), I will try and “keep this simple” based on your initial post. The docs you did (or did not receive) are verifiable by the means you accepted them (email/portal, etc.). What was or wasn’t included in the package is not your problem legally (although unfortunate for the signer). You perform your notarial acts based on what was given to you, and send it back. They want to send the docs they “forgot/neglected” to give you after the fact, then they pay for another trip. Initially, this sounds like Vylla “dropped the ball” by not including the docs and wanted to initiate the “blame game” because they took the side of the signor prior to consulting with you (unfortunately happens more often than you would think). Unfortunately this does happen from time to time, especially for “time critical” funding deadlines, as something like this could spark a redraw on the REFI docs, causing a delay in funding, or even their rate lock expiring. When Vylla called me, simple question: “Did you send me those docs?” The “proof is in the pudding” on this one. I keep all docs/emails on a signing until I am paid (which means the transaction closed). What you receive and what you leave with the borrower are two different things. I have followed up behind other SA’s who “cheated” by leaving the borrower partial packages.
Most likely to save money until the signer has a question and calls the lender. The emails/portal of what you received is what holds water at the end of the day. Hope this helps!


I just added Vylla to my “Do Not Work With List”… I worked with them in 2020, 2021 and twice this year. I cannot say I have ever had a good experience with them. The last signing I did for them was on 02/14/22. Had to print out 2 sets of docs (322 pages), Scanbacks, Use Only Plastic PolyPak FedEx Envelope and print all docs on legal size paper. Round-trip there was 62 miles. It was an elderly lady and I spent 2.5 hours there because both she and her son verified to me they had never seen the docs printed to go over before the signing, as promised. So, bye bye to Vylla for me and best wishes to those who do have success with them. :slightly_smiling_face:


Sounds like a company that is not worth the aggravation. I am sure you will sleep better at nights.

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Hey Amye, I have to chime in on this one, as it brought up a funny experience with a company I worked with during the pandemic. Regardless of why one would wonder why a company requests poly pack only, I did work for a local title company. They printed the docs and I signed in their office with the borrowers (so I didn’t have to ship). They would literally put the entire package into the poly pack after the signing, blast it with Lysol, then seal it until the next day. When I was in there office, it was like I was in a hospital (masks, face shields, gloves, air purifiers in the room, temp checks). I had to let them go. Ever try flipping through 150 pages with rubber gloves on, and trying to breath and see at the same time? I can’t imagine what that Lysol did to the ink… What a mess!


@vss.notary.services - OMG sounds more of a nightmare than I have been through with them! Glad you survived! :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face:

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Customers never get to see documents, Just CD and/or HUD / ALTA ?
If a customer chooses to read every word, that its a bad roll of the dice for you in the game of crap shoot.

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