Working over the holidays

Hello Hope everyone is enjoying there weekend. I have a question about the holidays and work.
Do a lot of notaries take off for the holidays? Are there Signing opportunities that have a better chance of trickling down to the newer Signing Agents ?
We have been invited to spend ThanksGiving with a relative in NM. As we started to plan, I realized it was going to be a 10 day venture. We have to swing by Las Vegas to pickup mom and then do the same on the way back.
Should I skip the trip for any opportunity to get. my first, second, third signing assignment? I would really appriciate some advice from the vets out there.

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Okay…I may take some flack for this…but…

No amount of phone calls and signing assignments can make up for quality family time. Will you miss calls? Sure you will - your phone is gonna ping like crazy because nobody is available - but I would give my left arm to have one more Thanksgiving or Christmas with my Mom and Dad - business be damned (sorry…I feel strongly about this)

Only you can make the decision for yourself…but if it were ME (and I realize it’s not) - I would chill back until after the first of the year, starting maybe the Monday or Tuesday before Thanksgiving and through the Christmas holiday…but that’s ME.

You’re new, you’re looking for your first, second and third signing - what if you skip this family time and those assignments never come. You can’t un-ring that bell.

I say go - enjoy your family and your holidays…I think you’ll be glad you did



I appreciate heart felt response, Thank you.


@signsealnotarized Concur :100: percent with @LindaH-FL 's perspective (within the above noted excerpt).

Many define “family” to encompass all loved ones, whether biologically related (or not). None of us know indubitably how much ‘time’ we have on this plane of existence with our loved ones. Treasure the joy & opportunity while it’s available to you.

While reading your post I could almost hear Suze Orman saying:
"People First,
then Money,
then Things."
Best wishes with your decision.



Given a choice…most signers don’t want to sign on a holiday. The only requests I’ve ever gotten for a ‘holiday signing’ were due to various and assorted PROBLEMS. I’m with Linda–family first.


I have to say, I am surprised at my responses. I thought for sure some or at least one of you would say “ If you want your business to work, you have to work at “ which is a great saying.
Thank you for TEACHING me


And showing me compassion. :pray:


@signsealnotarized Hmmm . . . well, truer words have NEVER been spoken (referencing the excerpt above).

As you’re a human and have personal AND professional/business requirements/demands to prioritize, it’s optimum to achieve a BALANCE that works for You!

Regardless of the Path chosen, there’s ALWAYS a “price” to be paid.

Often when a decision is made, there are resultant TRADEOFFS.

Always best to face the crossroads honestly and directly. It may "pinch’ a bit to disconnect from technology for the Holidays, but the rejuvenation and reinforcement of relationships will be quite beneficial now and in the Future.


It’s a Razor’s Edge we walk daily, keeping our life balanced and avoiding falling into chaos . . .

Think of the Yin-Yang symbol and the ‘thin line’ that separates the two distinct, separate fields.


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I TOTALLY agree with Linda H-FL ! Go on your family trip. It sounds like you’re going to have a super fun time. Don’t worry. Your first signing will come, just keep marketing. You don’t have to sacrifice your life and well-being.


Thanks for the support :smiling_face: :smiling_face:


Please take the family trip. In a previous walk of my life I was a work a holic. Overtime was always available and I worked a lot of it. I was working one overtime Christmas Eve and my daughter was texting me. Apparently my middle brother and my oldest brothers wife enjoyed the blackberry brandi way too much. She ultimately fell asleep on the bathroom floor before even getting dinner. Before the pass out she confessed to my religious mother that she has actually been an atheist for many years. My drunk brother was telling her that it was fine because he felt God didn’t love him anyway. You cant make this stuff up folks. I missed it all. I told my sister in law that I promised to be home to enjoy the following Christmas Eve. Well, to wrap up that story, my muddle brother was killed in an accident that March and it’s never been the same. Please go enjoy any holiday you can.


Sorry for your loss, Jennifer.

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Thanks for sharing It’s so important to be there for kids.

I have always loved the holidays for only one reason…to get MORE work done. While everyone is partying and taking time off, I find holiday time a good chance to catch up on work and take advantage of the absence of competition. Each to their own, of course, but that’s just my take on it.


In this slow market???

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Good Advice. I plan on using the time to Study and watch a lot of mock signings

That was always my attitude, regardless of what the current market was…going back to way before I ever became a signing agent. My favorite week was always the week between Christmas and New Year (which I affectionately refer to as the “lame duck” week) when everyone was taking time off and the world was sort of in limbo. It was always a week when I got a lot of work done, with no phone ringing or other interruptions.

I get that I’m kind of a rare bird when it comes to this subject, and I’m not suggesting that anyone should feel a certain way. I agree with the statement that nobody ever said on their deathbed that they wished they had spent more time working. If you enjoy spending quality time with your family, then that’s what you should do. Missing a signing appointment here and there isn’t the end of the world. The new year is coming and you can pick it back up again. It’s all each person’s individual choice.


I agree with everyone! I know when I first started I was afraid to take any kind of vacation. I was so afraid I’d miss that big job. So I get it, especially since you are waiting for your first signing. But really family should always, always come first for the big Holiday’s in my opinion.

I also suggest you really look into doing General Notary Work (GNW). Best advice I ever received when I started 5 years ago, was don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Pursue GNW as much as Signing jobs. I got a free Google business page and studied everything I could about Florida notary law. It took a couple of years to get the reviews I needed to have my name near the top when people search for “notary near me”, but I now have more 5 star reviews than any independent notary in at least a 30 mile radius. But boy did I work at getting those reviews! :slight_smile:

All the best!


@letdidoit19 Excellent insights & wisdom/advice you’ve shared. :crown: It explicitly mirrors my direct experience as well. :white_check_mark:

Another perspective about BALANCE. :balance_scale::person_juggling:


I know! October was my busiest month in 2 years and I’ve been super busy already in November. Many TCs are closed Friday for Veteran’s Day but my calendar is filling up.
I think a lot of Signing Agents equate higher interest rates with a slow market. Not true at all.

@signsealnotarized, I’m sort of a newbie here as well and I look forward to increase work opportunities over the Holiday break while other notaries are traveling and simply unavailable because they’re taking time off but I most certainly would not miss a trip with my family if we were planning one.

The signings will definitely come. Maybe slower than desired at first but they will surely come and then they’ll come more frequently as you provide great service and your name becomes recognized.

I concur with the others who say enjoy your trip!

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