@Kelley Thank you for sharing your direct experience.
I’ve recommended previously via the Notary Cafe forum on multiple occasions that if a potential client is new to you & if the Fee & Payment Terms are amenable to your business model => accept the Signing Order [SO] & then vet them (prior to providing your professional services).
Accessing the database to locate info about potential clients has saved many of us an inordinate amount of time ‘chasing’ payments for Services professionally provided to potential non-payers . . .
You’re correct, though, that there is nothing within the database (until now) about this business entity. So, Thank You for creating this thread on them.
===>>> PLUS, there’s one additional technique that you may find to be QUITE EFFECTIVE . . . Code the Contact List in your phone . . .
- Why take the time to do that?
Because you will IMMEDIATELY KNOW beyond the shadow of a doubt when a call comes in . . . who to accept & who to reject.
One technique for Coding your Contact List would be to place a leading 2-character prefix that identifies the Group that phone number has placed themselves within from demonstrated behavior:
- NP = Non-Payer
- SP = Slow Payer
- LB = Low Ball Fees
- LD = Late Docs
- NN = Non-negotiator
Etc., etc., etc.
There are several other techniques (Search Google) for Coding your Contact List to assist you in filtering your Inbound calls.
Here are a few posts that you’ll find instructional/helpful in regard to pursuing NON-PAYERS:
THEFT OF SERVICES: Notaries Will Travel - #20 by susana
STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE: Demand Letter for non-payment? Have you ever? - #5 by rparker