Demand Letter for non-payment? Have you ever?

I had that happen to me. Here are the steps I was told to take and it worked.

  1. You need to contact the title company who used the signing service that contracted with you. If they refuse to help, let them know you holding them responsible.

  2. If they refuse to get the service to pay or to pay you, send 3 emails with a copy of the invoices attached marked PAST DUE, spaced about a week or two apart requesting payment with the warning that unless payment is made, you will be taking further action. Make sure you include in the Subject heading the words “First/Second/Third Notice” depending on which notice is being sent

  3. They still refuse after 3 emails, contact you state government office and find the division responsible for title companies compliance and get them involved. They will tell you the steps needed to recover payment.

When I did this with the division here in Virginia, I was told to send a copy of all the emails sent in trying to recover payment, along with copies of the invoices, and they would look into it. Virginia let the title company know that if payment was not made, they would be prohibited from doing business anywhere in the Commonwealth. I received payment within a couple of weeks.

Hope this helps