Collecting ID copy

I am very frustrated with ALL the companies at this point. They want us to collect a copy of their ID right? Do they ask the borrowers to have a copy ready for us- do they tell them what second ID’s are acceptable? If so it is a small percentage. I always ask them to have a copy of their ID for me to send back with the docs. This year, and I know its not a normal year, but it’s like nobody has a copy of their ID for me. A lot of their printers at home do not work, out of ink, etc. Then there are the “I forgot” to get it done. My point is - I take a picture on my phone - now I cannot drop docs in time for pick up because I have to go home to print. I really do not want borrowers ID’s on my phone. How do you feel?


I simply take pics of ID with my Phone and upload it to the company. Delete it from phone once confirmed it is uploaded. Even if you request copies, they can still forget to have it ready for you. Keeps life simple!


That’s exactly what I do… take picture with my phone and upload. Once everything is received I delete the picture.
I feel uncomfortable taking those pictures, because of frauds and scams, and people might think (with all their right) what use I’ll give to their IDs. I wish only lenders or escrows would handle that part, without having to involve NSAs


You are all lucky your borrowers allow you to take a pic of their ID - I know I would not allow it.

Alternative? Tell THEM that THEY need to take a pic of their ID with THEIR phone and get it to title or their LO prior to end of rescission. Explain that without this, the package is incomplete and if they don’t do it they risk their loan not funding. Then include a note in return package that borrowers will forward their ID directly as they failed to have a copy ready for you.

Just a thought


Yes, I have done this too when necessary.


My contracting companies request to upload IDs immediately, right after closing. Only Amrock hasn’t asked, but have to fill two forms for them. Signature Closers ask to immediately upload IDs, and I feel so uncomfortable with that situation.

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IMO Signature has no right to a copy of their ID - now mind you I love this company but IMO they are overstepping here…and if borrowers knew their ID was being sent to a third party?? Through YOU? ugh.

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Agreed with you Linda, but they put so much pressure in uploading the IDs, even the signers know in advance, because when I get to their homes the first thing they’ve been telling me is " Oh! and I got my ID ready, as per my loan agent" :woman_shrugging:
Honestly speaking, I’m much afraid of identity theft.

Yes this happens a lot. I let the borrower know we will contact LO / title , etc., and let them know and I have the borrower take the picture on their phone and send it to them before I go forward with the signing. Before I leave I cll to make sure that they received it. Usually 99.9% of them have a cell phone that can accommodate that request.


Good Idea, gopromobilenotaryser

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I’ve had the title company instruct NOT to take a pic of their IDs with my phone as well as the borrower not wanting me to take a pic with my phone. Seems we get out in the middle both ways. In the case of the borrower not wanting the pic, I told them to send it to whomever they started the process. You’d think copies of IDs would be on the list of stuff for the borrower from the beginning.


I tell them to WRITE THIS DOWN U MUST HAVE copies of your ids to send back w the docs i tell them this when i confirm
Most of the people get it done…or i ask the loan officer if i can send them direct
or I tell the client/borrower to send the coipes themselves to their loan officer
so far so good


It does seem quite odd that they ask a notary to provide proof of identification when our primary role is to identify the signer to make sure they are who they say they are. And then the client doesn’t take our word for it. I would favor having the signer send their ID directly to the client.

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Interestingly, I never upload ID’s to Signature unless I’m required to provide a faxback…they have never dinged me for it.

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I very rarely encounter someone that will not allow me to photograph their ID. The people that do object have printed a copy for me (somehow they find the ink and miraculously get their printer to connect to their WIFI). I use the magic words “the lender will not fund without it”, never fails.

When dealing with Signature Closers I never upload the ID, not during the closing nor when I return home. I simply print it and include it with the docs. I have never had a comment or pushback of any kind from them so I will keep doing what I am doing.

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Many companies will say don’t collect personal information especially Id’s on your phone as they can never be deleted completely. I invested in a portable scanner that connects wirelessly to an app and I just scan them. I agree about the extra time and hassle. I always try to get them to do it ahead of the appointment but it rarely happens.

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Find out if escrow or lender is requiring this. They should deal with it on their own initially. Tell them it is their problem, not yours. We have enough BS to deal with!

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Yes, I have felt that same frustration. As a solution, I found a small used printer on Craigslist for $20 that I now carry in my car. This way I can print copies of borrowers IDs if they don’t have a printer and I can seal up the loan pkg in front of them before departing.

Most Agents and the clients have Smart Phones. You can or have the client take a picture of the ID’s and send it to them, they can be delete before you even leave the table. I have never had a borrower have a problem with me.taking a picture of their ID’s doing it this way. Keep it Simple People!

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I always give the signer the option to send it directly to the title company or I scan it and send it to them.
Most time they don’t mind me sending it.